“‘May all your enemies perish like this, Adonai;
but may those who love him be like the sun
going forth in its glory!’
Then the land had rest for forty years.”
-Judges 5:31
Finally, finally, today we finish up the Song of Devorah and with that Judges Chapter 5!
Boy that was a slog!
Yet there were a ton of inspiring lessons and awesome spiritual takeaways, don’t you think?
So this song concludes with 2 majestic appeals to the Lord.
The first one is that ALL enemies of God (and by default Israel) would be ultimately destroyed as thoroughly as the Canaanites were defeated at the Kishon River.
The second one is that all those who sincerely love and obey God would be glorified and shine as bright as the rays of the sun.
Devorah also prays that all those who sacrificed their convenience and comfort to fight the good fight would at the end of the day be vindicated.
Finally, the very last words we encounter at the end of this chapter are the same words that concludes every Shophet’s mission in the Book of Judges: “and the land had rest”.
After the stunning victory of Barak over Sisera near Mount Tabor, we’re told the tribes of Israel were blessed with peace for one full generation (40 years).
There’s one thing that needs to be made clear about this peace though.
The peace received was NOT because Israel had defeated her enemies.
No, the REAL REASON Israel entered into peace was because for the time being at least, Israel withdrew from her idolatrous ways and made a decision to obey her covenant with the Lord.
Understand that’s where the real correlation is.
Obedience = Peace
Disobedience = Lack of Peace
One final point.
When it says the land had rest for 40 years, it’s only referring to the tribes in the northern parts of Canaan.
Because that’s where this whole story of Devorah and Barak took place.
Alright it’s late and I’m tired.
See you next time when we begin Judges Chapter 6.
Welldone sir, time with you is fascinating and never boring
Very educative etc
God bless you and your family
Thanks for the warm words brother. Be blessed and Shalom.