“Ya‘el will be blessed more than all women.
The wife of Hever the Keini
will be blessed more than any woman in the tent.”
-Judges 5:24
In verse 24, the focus shifts away from the tribes of Israel towards the brave wife of Hever the Kenite.
And boy oh boy the words Devorah has for this woman are good.
Praises gushes forth for the tent lady who in one fateful moment transformed into a ruthless female assassin.
What’s even more amazing is she decided to side with Israel EVEN THOUGH her very own husband was allied with Yavin King of Hatzor.
There’s a huge lesson here folks.
And remember, this is a highly emotionalized song.
Yael being told she “will be blessed more than any woman in the tent” was typical Middle Eastern hyperbole.
Kind of like when the brutal dictator Saddam Hussein told the US government their soldiers would “drown in their own blood” and that the conflict to free Kuwait would turn into the “mother of all wars”.
Let’s also not overlook the fact Yael was a gentile.
She joins ranks with other great gentiles such as Rahab the prostitute and Ruth the Moabite who also received heaps of blessings and praise for siding with Israel.
Yael may not be as famous as Rahab or Ruth.
To be honest, I didn’t know who the heck she was until I did a deep dive into the Song of Devorah.
But let’s not overlook how courageous she was in deciding to side with Israel.
I mean think about it man.
She went against her own husband and clan.
She put both herself and her family in jeopardy.
And she did all this for a people and nation to which she had ZERO ethnic or genealogical connection.
Pretty amazing, don’t you think?
It reminds me of the words of Yeshua when he said…
“If anyone comes to me and
does not hate father and mother,
wife and children,
brothers and sisters
—yes, even their own life—
such a person cannot be my disciple.”
-Luke 14:26
Why would Yael do such a thing?
There’s only one reason.
And it’s the same reason why any person who makes a decision to graft themselves into the commonwealth of Israel does so.
In her heart, Yael knew Israel’s God ruled supreme and was above all.
Therefore, she correctly reasoned that not to help God’s people in their time of need would be more fatal than standing idly by twiddling her thumbs.
Especially when the chance to do so literally fell out of the sky and right into her lap.
Of course, I don’t recommend plotting acts of assassination against the enemies of God’s people.
But the lesson stands nonetheless.
With the Lord, there’s no such thing as neutral ground.
You can’t be like the Swiss were in World War II.
You are either for God or against Him.
And you are either for God’s chosen people or against them.
Don’t adopt a dangerous Christian theology that says somehow you can be for God but at the same time be against His People.
That dog ain’t gonna hunt man.
Those so-called Christians and gentile churches who sided with Hitler during the holocaust were anything but true followers of the Jewish Messiah and the God of Israel.
Don’t think it’s okay to sit idly by when God’s people are persecuted.
Because the day is coming when the nations of the world are gonna turn against Israel.
I don’t know exactly when or how.
But that day is coming.
I believe possibly soon.
And when that day comes, you’re gonna have to make a difficult decision.
Are you gonna stand with the politically correct world?
Or are you gonna take a stand for God and His Chosen People knowing that could very well be the most politically incorrect thing you’ll ever do in your life?
One thing for sure is the choice to NOT be involved will be a choice in and of itself AND will have dire consequences.
Because NOT acting on Israel’s behalf will make you guilty by association of siding with God’s enemies.
“I know what you are doing:
you are neither cold nor hot.
How I wish you were either one or the other!
So, because you are lukewarm,
neither cold nor hot,
I will vomit you out of my mouth!”
-Revelations 3:15-16
I wl always stand with Israel.