“The Kishon River swept them away,
that ancient river, the Kishon River.
O my soul, march on with strength!
Then the horses’ hoofs pounded the ground,
their mighty steeds galloping at full speed.”
-Judges 5:21-22
In verse 21, we’re given an awesome demonstration of the Lord using the forces of nature to accomplish His Will.
In this case, I’m talking about the Kishon River.
We’re told the river swept away the Canaanite forces.
What was usually a mild and harmless flow of water was transformed into a raging torrent that leveled the Canaanites’ chariots into the ground.
Without their fearsome chariots, the Canaanites were pretty much toast…and they knew it.
Notice how the Kishon River is also described as the “ancient river”.
This is a testimony to just how well known this river was among multiple generations of people whose survival depended on the water it provided.
Of course, from a purely “natural” perspective, what really happened was a flash flood which ain’t an uncommon thing in Israel.
What made it supernatural was the perfect timing and intensity of the rushing waters.
Verse 22 gives us the aftermath details of the devastation wreaked by the flash flood.
We’re told the horses slipped and collided amongst each other in the mud like a bunch of silly ballerinas high on cocaine.
I want you to really picture the situation here.
The Lord had taken what was the enemies’ biggest advantage (their chariots) and turned it into a major disadvantage.
And He took Israel’s biggest disadvantage (being foot soldiers) and turned it into a major advantage.
The tables were turned around big time here.
The Canaanite soldiers were forced to abandon their now immobile chariots and run for the hills.
It was all for nothing however…because the Israelite soldiers caught up with them and had them for lunch (metaphorically speaking that is…because I ain’t gonna be promoting cannibalism anywhere on this site).
The victory of the Lord was sealed on that day.
And that’s today’s takeaway.
What do you consider to be your biggest weakness or disadvantage in your life?
Whatever it may be, know that God can turn that particular lemon into lemonade in an instant.
But only if you TRUST and OBEY Him.
Over and out.
I TRUST. Many thanks and God bless you