In our study of Devorah, we noticed there were some tribes who made the wise decision to obey God’s call to Holy War.
And there were some tribes who didn’t.
What’s really fascinating is examining what exactly happened to those tribes who preferred comfort and complacency to the battlefields of the Lord.
Recall the tribes on the east side of the Jordan River (Reuben, Gad and 1/2 of Manasseh).
After many ridiculous debates, they decided it was just too much of a hassle and disruption to their lives to uproot themselves and help their brothers fight inside the Promised Land.
As a result, they were the very first tribes to be scattered and then later absorbed by their gentile enemies in later times.
But it wasn’t just the tribes who were living outside of the Promised Land who opted out of fighting alongside their brethren.
There were a couple of tribes inside the land who were just as guilty.
For instance, both Asher and Dan had committed the big no-no of entering into business partnerships with their pagan neighbors.
Because these partnerships benefited them money-wise, they refused to participate in the war.
These 2 tribes tried to stay under the radar in the hopes that things would just blow over without their participation.
Bad move…because you can’t hide anything from God.
Dan ended up leaving their assigned territory in the Promised Land and moved up north where they ended up in full-blown pagan calf worship.
A remnant of Dan later ended up in Northern Africa.
Next, what happened to Asher?
They completely disappeared altogether.
In our day, we have discovered members from each of the 10 lost tribes of Israel EXCEPT one.
And that one tribe is Asher.
That’s what happens when you prefer profit over obedience.
The takeaway for today’s lesson is crystal clear.
What do you know deep in your heart you need to do to obey God but are resisting because it’s inconvenient or will cost you money or discomfort?
For example, if you’re a Jew and not living in the land that God has set apart for you, what in the heck are you doing?
Start making plans to make Aliyah instead of making excuses that life is so much better in the USA or whatever country you’re living in.
God hasn’t called us to a life of comfort man.
If you’re a gentile believer who has been grafted into the commonwealth of Israel through your faith in the Jewish messiah, are you standing against those powers, including many churches, who say the land must be parceled out to Israel’s sworn enemies for the sake of “peace”?
Do you boldly profess that the only true God amongst all the religions in the world is ONLY the God of Israel?
Or do you participate in idolatrous worship services with members of other faiths in order to be politically correct and again for the ridiculous sake of false “peace”?
Do you have the guts to cut off relationships with friends and even family members who scorn God, the Bible and stand against your faith?
Or do allow yourself to be unequally yoked resulting in an ever-weakening faith and watered down witness for the Lord?
Or how about what’s going on in Canada right now?
We have a bunch of courageous truckers standing against the evil eniccav mandates.
Are you standing with them or again is it NOT your problem because it doesn’t affect you directly and it’s not your country?
Trust me, what’s going on over there in Canada affects the whole world.
And the same goes for the land of Israel.
The Holy Land is the birthplace of your savior and where he’s going to return…I believe soon.
So don’t be like those tribes who the Song of Devorah condemns because they decided it was just too much trouble to help their brothers fight the good fight in the Promised Land.
If God cut them off and scattered them, what makes you think He won’t do the same thing to you?
“For if God did not spare the natural branches,
he certainly won’t spare you!
So take a good look at God’s kindness and his severity:
on the one hand, severity toward those who fell off;
but, on the other hand, God’s kindness toward you —
provided you maintain yourself in that kindness!
Otherwise, you too will be cut off!”
-Romans 11:21-22
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