“The people of Z’vulun risked their lives,
Naftali too, on the open heights.”
-Judges 5:18
Next, Devorah applauds the courage and sacrifices the tribes of Zevulun and Naphtali made in order to help their brothers fight Sisra and his Canaanite allies.
This was as opposed to the indifference of the tribes of Reuben, Gad and 1/2 of Manasseh who were living on the east side of the Jordan River.
In order to free Israel from her enemies and establish God’s Kingdom here on earth, Devorah and Barak were the Lord’s chosen instruments at this point in history.
However, when the call for Holy War was put forth, not all the tribes answered that call.
What’s interesting is you’ll find the tribes of Judah and Simeon weren’t mentioned at all.
We can see the stage being set for the north versus south mentality among the 12 tribes that will reach the height of its intensity later on in the Book of Kings.
Judah and Simeon were the southern tribes.
And Benjamin’s loyalties wavered back and forth between the north and the south because of where they were living.
The rest of the tribes were part of the northern coalition.
However, in addition to the north-south division, let’s not overlook the east-west division that had arisen
Of course, I’m talking about the 2 1/2 tribes of Gad, Reuben and Manasseh.
Because of their geographical location, any attachment or obligation they had felt towards the 9 1/2 tribes living in the Promised Land weakened greatly.
This was quite a drastic change from their attitude about a century earlier when they were worried they would be separated from the commonwealth of Israel.
So what we have here is a horribly broken and fractured Israel.
However, can’t we say the very same thing about the state of modern Christianity today with its nearly 20,000 denominations?
And as much as it pains me to say this, I would say Judaism and the reborn nation of Israel are just as equally polarized.
When I say fractured, what exactly do I mean?
I’m talking about how each denomination, church or synagogue only gives two hoots about their own interests.
Just like how during the era of the Judges, each Hebrew sect, clan and tribe only cared about the well-being of their immediate circle.
Sure, they might have held meetings and countless debates about what they should do.
And I’m sure the priests and wise elders made every effort to remind them of their obligations to their brothers in the Promised Land.
But it was to no avail.
Because in the end, the attitude that prevailed was “that’s not my problem”.
They were too wrapped up in wanting to protect their own livelihood and wealth.
It was simply an unwanted interruption to their everyday comforts.
And honestly, I’m a bit ashamed to admit, I can relate.
Because I can be as lazy, cold and selfish as they come.
Gosh, this was a painful post to write.
Sorry though, yet l bet you, honesty is at work in you. Thanks and God bless you
Hmm..what are you apologizing for?
So Right on and very timely too… the LORD revealed the same message to me today… There has to be “a little more pain”… nobody really gets “IT”. All want to ride the Glory Train to Heaven but GOD SAYS: “NO GAIN WITHOUT PAIN”… JESUS /YESHUA is the PERFECT EXAMPLE. GOD HIMSELF SUFFERED DEATH ON THE CROSS & BECAME THE BRIDGE FOR ALL OF MANKIND to reach HEAVEN… for what reason did YESHUA die : For MAN TO BE KIND… Every Tribe/Clan & City/State, Nations & Continent… not KIND but always juggling for a better seat at the Table… So who then IS THE TABLE? None other than JESUS / YESHUA – HE invites US TO HIS TABLE – the Table of Communion… LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU… That is the rarest Commodity every… What is that LOVE from ABOVE? I see very little of it here on Earth – HATRED is on the rise – the CORONA VIRUS has done its JOB to separate instead of partake… Is that GOD’S PLAN for all of MANKIND? Every Clan/Tribe/City/Country/Nations/ looking out for themselves… thinking that their wealth, their expertise, their intellect will get them to Heaven…. Doing just the minimal requirement – one or two hours a week in Church, 2-3 hours a week in the Synagogue; praying the SHEMA in the morning and at night; giving some alms to the poor; donating to some charity with strings attached- is that what GOD wants from US? Maybe here is a novel idea – Let’s learn to walk and talk with HIM every SECOND OF THE DAY…. that would be 24 hrs x 60 min = 1440 min x 60 seconds = 86,400 seconds in a day… That is a big number, but does ALMIGHTY GOD IN HEAVEN not stay awake to rule mankind as it says in PSALM 121 – HE never slumbers is says… but HE knows that we NEED to Sleep 6 to 7 to 8 hours a night… Does that mean we forget about HIM at night? Can HE not give us Dreams to explain what HE wants from us? Yes HE can and HE does speak in Dreams… the LORD will explain HIS WILL in Dreams: Daniel dreamed, Joseph dreamed, Abraham dreamed… certainly SAUL turned PAUL dreamed… Today’s reading in the Church was from ISAIAH Chapter 6 : … I saw the LORD seated on a high and lofty throne, with the train of his garment filling the temple. Seraphim were stationed above. They cried one to the other, “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the LORD of Hosts! All the Earth is filled with HIS GLORY!” At the sound of that cry, the frame of the door shook and the house was filled with smoke. Then I said, “Woe is me, I am doomed! For I am a man of unclean lips, living among a people of unclean lips; yet my eyes have seen the KING, the LORD OF HOSTS!.” (sounds like your clans & tribes… & all of mankind today?) But help is on the way: “Then one of the Seraphim flew to me, holding an ember that he had taken with tongs from the altar. He touched my mouth with it, and said, “See, now that this has touched your lips, your wickedness is removed, your sin purged.” … Clean and forgiven even now…. the WORD continues: “Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” GOD speaking to mankind. “Here I am, ” I said, “send me!” Our individual response to GOD who is sitting on HIS THRONE… “SEND ME!”
Let’s unpack this statement: “What is it LORD that you have planned for me today? What is it LORD, guide me every step of the way, every second of the day… I want to make sure, I don’t fall away! Your sacrifice on the CROSS was too precious to save me from the fires of hell… Let me walk with you, let me talk with you, let me hang onto you in faith believing without seeing… Thus the LORD wants to connect to all of mankind, every man, woman and child, all of the 8 Billion living souls on the Earth; the rain and snow fall on the just and the unjust the same; Let’s connect to Heaven Above & pray:… “LORD show US THE WAY… remove our hearts made of stone and give us hearts made of FLESH… A poem from 26 years ago: “The LORD has spoken ONLY when your HEART is BROKEN, with PAIN as deep as an OCEAN, so that HE can fill IT (the HEART) with HIS EMOTION” = THE HOLY SPIRIT… The HOLY SPIRIT is the KEY… If we reject the HOLY SPIRIT we have committed the unpardonable SIN… It is the Paraclete, our Helper to guide us & communicate GOD’S WILL FOR US… Thus the HOLY SPIRIT guides the steps of those who have dedicated their LIFE to the HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL…Let’s repeat ISAIAH 6:3, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the LORD OF HOSTS; the whole Earth is full of HIS GLORY… We are being sent to spread the GOOD NEWS of HEAVENLY LOVE TO ALL PEOPLE…… One day I said to the LORD: “People think I am off the wall, because I DO off the wall stuff for YOU!” HIS ANSWER: “But you cannot be OFF THE Wall; WE DON’T HAVE ANY WALLS UP HERE…!” Therefore, let’s read “THE SPIRIT the bride” in Revelation 22:16-17 : I JESUS / YESHUA have sent mine Angel … and the Spirit & the Bride say COME… come to the Living waters… COME… SHALOM TO ALL PEOPLE in YESHUA’S MOST HOLY NAME – PS Valentine’s Day has very deep roots going back to a Roman Priest by the name of VALENTINE – 270 AD – who gave HIS LIFE to MARRY COUPLES… – in those days the Emperor forbid MARRIAGE because he wanted the men to make WAR not LOVE… Find out GOD’S incredible message for Valentine’s DAY 2022 – A NEW BEGINNING – A DAY OF LOVE FOR ALL PEOPLE & ALL NATIONS… LOVE GOD/G-D, LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR… SHALOM. AMEN.