“Gil‘ad lives beyond the Yarden.
Dan — why does he stay by the ships?
Asher stayed by the shore of the sea,
remaining near its bays.”
-Judges 5:17
Verse 17 tells us that Gilead (referring to Gad) lives across the Jordan River.
This one little sentence speaks volumes about the current situation of the 2 1/2 tribes (Gad, Reuben and 1/2 of Manasseh) who decided to settle outside of the Promised Land.
We can see here that the identity of these 2 1/2 tribes had shifted to the point where they could no longer relate to their brothers who had chosen to live inside the land.
Which meant, they had little interest in coming to their aid when they most needed it.
It was “their” problem, not ours was the unfortunate attitude they had adopted.
Gilead lived next to Reuben and as we saw yesterday, the tribe of Reuben had also become indifferent.
The takeaway here is pretty plain and simple folks.
Your environment matters.
Your physical surroundings matter.
The company you keep matters.
You WILL be impacted in one or another by what you absorb and are exposed to on a regular basis.
That’s why regular fellowship with other believers is important.
That’s why monitoring what you read and listen to is important.
And that’s also why you gotta cut ties with ungodly and especially abusive, narcissistic people (even if they be family members).
This is especially important if you live on the east side of the Jordan River, metaphorically speaking that is.
Ya hear me homies?
Thank you! !תודה