“Awake, awake, D’vorah!
Awake, awake, break into song!
Arise, Barak!
Lead away your captives,
son of Avino‘am!
“Then a remnant of the nobles marched down;
the people of Adonai marched
down to me like warriors.”
-Judges 5:12-13
Verses 12 and 13 are all about Devorah putting out the call to holy war.
There were two types of responses received.
One response was an enthusiastic acceptance to fight the good fight.
The other response was ambivalence and disinterest.
This reminds me of Yeshua’s parable of the farmer who went out to sow seed.
Some of the seed fell on shallow soil and was unable to take root.
This represents the group who was ambivalent and disinterested and never allowed Devorah’s message to take root in their hearts.
The other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop-a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
This type of seed represented the group of men who “grew their hair” and accepted the holy call to fight Israel’s oppressors.
I think it’s quite noteworthy how Yeshua finishes off the parable by saying “Whoever has ears, let them hear”.
The implication is when a call from God is put out to believers, there are gonna be some who receive it with enthusiasm.
And there are gonna be some who wanting to maintain their ridiculous life of comfort, won’t respond at all.
Unfortunately, more often than not, the unresponsive group will be the majority.
I mean take a look at the 12 spies who were sent out to reconnoiter the land in Moses’ time.
Only 2 men (Joshua and Caleb) were gung-ho to take the land even though the odds seemed impossible.
The other 10 were like heck no we ain’t going.
And Yeshua also said
…”For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it”.
I’m also reminded of one man’s response when Yeshua invited him to follow him.
The man said “Let me first go and bury my father”.
And how did Yeshua respond?
He replied by saying “Let the dead bury the dead. But you go and proclaim the Kingdom of God”.
The takeaway here is pretty clear.
When the call to Holy War comes, are you going to be a part of the brave and noble remnant who accept that call?
Or are you going to be part of the apathetic group who opt out so they can stay home and munch on Cheetos while watching television?
Unfortunately, the Book of Judges is all about Israel’s tragic state of apathy during this time.
That’s why God had to keep sending judges to Israel to wake them up.
To underscore this point, notice there are two roles being explained here.
We have Devorah the prophet who delivered the message.
And we have Barak the warrior who carried out the message.
One without the other is meaningless.
Because what good is receiving a message from God if you’re not gonna carry it out?
Ya hear me homies?
As the prophet, Devorah was God’s voice.
And as the warrior, Barak was God’s instrument.
You have the word from God.
And you have the word taking on flesh or being put into physical action.
That’s really what the word taking on flesh means.
That’s also what the Hebrew word SHEMA really means.
It doesn’t mean to just listen.
It means to listen and obey.
Because if you don’t obey after receiving the Word, you really haven’t listened.
Over and out.
Very deep and detailed. Thanks
Thanks for reading. Felt quite inspired while composing this one. Shalom.