I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
Right now, in our day and age, more than ever, we are reliving the era of the Judges.
Israel fell into the mess they’re in for 2 main reasons and the Song of Devorah really drives these points home big time.
First, the leaders of Israel stopped leading according to God’s Torah.
Second, the people themselves became complacent, started making lame excuses for their predicament and blamed everything on circumstances outside of their control.
Now for the naive and gullible who blindly accepts everything their governments tell them at face value, I need to give you a little lesson on politics here.
Webster’s defines politics as “the activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a government or getting and keeping power in a government”.
But here’s the thing homies.
Before the word “politics” even came into existence, politics has ALWAYS been the way humans have led other humans.
This even applies to ruthless dictators who history now judges as evil beyond the pale.
A dictator arrives in power through forming alliances and deceiving the masses through false promises.
That’s basic politics man.
Hitler was a perfect example of this.
The motivational drivers of an aspiring political leader is the same for all of them.
It’s to gain more power, wealth and CONTROL.
I would say control takes number 1 priority out of anything an aspiring political leader wants.
And it makes no difference what style of political leadership we’re talking about either.
It could be a ruthless dictatorship like what we see in North Korea, a monarchy like the United Kingdom or a so-called democracy like what we have in the United States.
How a leader operates in every one of these institutions is pretty much the same and can be boiled down into these 3 simple steps (admittedly North Korea is bit of an exception).
First, the leader will find out what the people want.
Second, he will make promises appealing to that want.
Third, once the leader assumes power based on the promises he made, his real agenda is eventually revealed.
Again, Hitler was particularly effective at this in his appeal to the lower middle classes.
It doesn’t matter how immoral and ungodly the message to the people is.
As long as it grabs the attention and hearts of the masses and serves to propel the leader to power, it will be used.
For Hitler, his blaming the Jews for Germany’s economic ills turned out to be the perfect vehicle for him.
Again, the leader’s primary goal is CONTROL and the PASSIVITY of the masses.
Because the leader doesn’t want anything getting in the way of his agenda.
What’s hypocritical as all hell is that the leadership will preach ideals of tolerance for the people while maintaining a firm stance of intolerance in his cabinet.
This should sound familiar to you because we’ve seen the same thing unfold during this pandemic.
Leaders promised people things would go back to normal if they would only submit to taking the V.
And a good portion of the world’s population fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Fortunately, that ridiculous plan seems to be falling apart big time since it’s pretty obvious by now that the V doesn’t protect nor prevent what it was intended to do.
Anyways, don’t be so fairy tale naive as to think that leaders of governments are out for your best interest.
You should no better and trust me God knows better…because He knows the hearts of men.
Which leads me to my next point.
So what is the Godly way to lead?
I can answer that in one word: Shepherding.
I think people get the wrong idea when they think of a Godly leader as being like a shepherd.
In no way does it refer to someone who is mild, meek or powerless.
It simply means that the Godly leader’s primary objective is to first OBEY the Lord and keep His commands above all.
And this might surprise you but the welfare of the people is secondary to this primary objective.
Obeying God comes first but here’s what’s interesting.
The man of God knows that by obeying God, automatically the people’s best interests (not what they necessarily want but what’s best for them) will be served.
A Godly leader will have to replace His will with the Lord’s will.
More often than not, he won’t be popular and probably won’t acquire a ton of personal wealth.
Heck, consider that the prophets of God were the most reviled of folks in Hebrew history.
Irrespective of outside opinions, a leader from God will set the agendas for his nation based on the Lord’s Torah.
Which leads me to my final question.
Where are our Godly leaders today?
Because right now, all we seem to have are leaders who are more like shrewd marketers who say things that tickle the ears of the people just to win votes.
Are there even any Godly leaders out there today?
I’m talking about leaders who will risk being called divisive and a hater when he correctly claims that Israel is God’s chosen people and that the land belongs ONLY to them.
I’m talking about someone who ain’t afraid to point out that a good majority of Christian leadership in the past were anti-Semitic as all hell and even helped fuel Hitler’s propaganda machine.
Or to flat out declare that many of the so-called non-negotiable Christian doctrines we have today have absolutely ZERO basis in Scripture!
Or someone who has the guts to say that homosexuality is an abomination in God’s eyes and worthy of the death penalty?
Or that radical Islam is a false religion that leads to only chaos and death?
Don’t get me wrong.
Yeshua did tell us to be obedient to our human governments.
We should render unto to Caesar what is Caesar’s.
Pay your taxes, drive on the right side of the road, and properly settle your debts and loans.
But and this is a BIG but, IF your government requires you to disobey God’s Word, are you going to meekly go along with that agenda out of fear because you don’t wanna lose your job?
Or are you going to join the righteous who Devorah calls out as being those men who “grew their hair”?
If a politician says the land of Israel must be divided up and handed over to their sworn enemies for the sake of love and peace, he must be defied.
If some leader says ALL religions are equal an must be accepted as so, that must be challenged.
If a government promotes the goodness of abortion and gay marriage, that must be spoken out against.
Finally, if any one man steps onto the world stage and proclaims he will be the one who will deliver us from all our troubles, we must stand firm in our conviction that there is ONLY ONE savior and that is God alone and His Chosen Servant Yeshua, the Son of God.
Over and out homies.
Great lessons. Thanks
Thanks for reading Abraham. Be blessed brother. Shalom.