Modern day Israel is just like ancient Israel was during the time of Judges.
“In what way?” you ask?
In the sense that Israel today hasn’t a clue they’re involved in a Holy War right now as I write this.
They view their conflict with the Palestinians and the terrorist regimes who support them within the context of geo-politics being pushed by power hungry lords who are driven more by their own selfish agendas than the needs of the people.
I hate to say it but the current Israeli government seems ignorant to the divine plan God has established for His people from the very beginning.
And that plan involves the full subjugation of the land of Canaan.
This holy war decree is separate from the petty and never-ending tribal and political struggles that take place all around the world and will likely continue until Yeshua returns to put a stop to them.
So let’s get something straight.
Holy War as defined by the Scriptures is unlike any other type of war that has occurred or ever will occur.
And the first sword drawn that marked the beginning of this Holy War began in the Book of Joshua.
Mulsim Jihad is NOT holy war.
It’s just one of the countless religious or cultural wars among many that sinful men have been fighting ever since Cain killed Abel.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again.
Holy War is NOT a war fought in the name of God.
It is a war initiated and led by God Himself.
And it is a war that that has to be fought according to very clear rules and principles as defined in the Torah.
Got it?
Here’s another thing you gotta understand.
While there remains much land left for Israel to conquer or take back (like Lebanon), the final outcome of this Holy War ain’t in question.
The conclusion has been decided since the beginning of time.
From our perspective, as participants in this Holy War, we don’t have to worry about victory.
Because God has already determined who will win (Israel) and who will lose (the rebellious and faithless gentile world).
More important than the outcome is who we become and how our faith grows as we progress towards the outcome.
In this case, PROCESS is far more important than PRODUCT.
As I said yesterday, holy war IS the tool God uses to grow our faith and wisdom.
Asalam Shalom alecheim