Alrighty, today we finish up the book of Judges!!!
So if you stuck with me from the beginning, GOOD JOB!
You’ve packed on some serious “Biblical muscle” to your body of knowledge that far, far surpasses most anyone preaching from the pulpit today.
In fact, if you’ve been with me from Genesis Chapter 1, you are a rare bird indeed…
And so am I…
Seriously, how many weirdos do you know have taken the time to literally blog through the Hebrew Bible chapter by chapter?
The truth is most “believers” pay superficial lip service to the Scriptures when they say they revere God’s Word.
Most folks haven’t even read the Scriptures…
A lot of folks may own a Bible and proudly display it on their bookshelves…
But that’s the extent of it…
And in their last days they’re gonna pay for their lack of knowledge (oh boy are they ever gonna pay).
Because God will be the conclusion of every person living on the planet today.
The only question is what kind of conclusion is it gonna be?
Eternal life or eternal destruction?
Alrighty, let me finish up Judges by sharing this one point.
When you take a look at the life of King Saul, you’re going to see he had a special relationship with the people of Gilead.
Because he was of the tribe of Benjamin.
When the Ammonites threatened to attack the people of Gilead, who do you think they called on for help?
They called on Saul.
And when Saul was killed, who do you think came to retrieve his body?
It was the men of Gilead!
So understand Saul’s special relationship with the people of Gilead began right here in Judges Chapter 21…
This was a bond strengthened by both common tribal roots and circumstance.
Finally, the book of Judges comes to a close with the following sobering words:
…“At that time there was no king in Israel;
a man simply did whatever he thought was right”
Wow, if there was ever a sentence to describe the current state of the church today, this has got to be it.
When we look at Judeo-Christianity today with all its ridiculous 20,000 different denominations, it’s so obvious we’re reliving the book of Judges in our time…
A time when every pastor, preacher and teacher willy nilly pulls doctrines out of his pocket…
Something that can only happen when one ignores the Torah – which is the nucleus and the very foundation of God’s Word.
Ironically, it is this foundation which the Jewish Messiah (who they worship) said he came to fill up with new life.
In the book of Judges, the Lord was showing Israel they needed a King to set things straight…
And indeed a king is coming.
His name means “Salvation”.
His name is Y’shua.
Be blessed.
“Don’t think that I have come to
abolish the Torah or the Prophets.
I have come not to abolish
but to complete.”
-Matthew 5:18
Excellent teaching
Thank you Mary! Be blessed and SHALOM!
Very true indeed! We live in a time where every preacher picks a doctrine from his pocket while turning away from the law of Yahuah.