I need to point out something important.
We’ve just got done reading about how Israel took 400 virgin girls from Gilead to supply wives to the tribe of Benjamin to prevent them from going extinct.
Now here’s the thing.
From this point onward, all children born to the tribe of Benjamin will be mixed.
The majority of the 400 virgins taken from Gilead actually came from the tribe of Manessah.
The others came from the tribes of Gad and Reuben.
And the remaining women who were “stolen” at that festival in Shiloh were a combination of bloodlines from all the other 10 tribes.
This means that not one child’s mother of the next generation of kids would be a pure Benjamite…
And that would include the Apostle Paul’s ancestors who boasted the following:
“If someone else thinks they have reasons
to put confidence in the flesh, I have more:
circumcised on the eighth day,
of the people of Israel,
of the tribe of Benjamin,
a Hebrew of Hebrews;
in regard to the law, a Pharisee”
-Philippians 3:4-5
When the history is examined, we see that Israel was anything but a genealogically pure race with all their DNA coming from Abraham.
Even most of Jacob’s family came from gentile women during his stay at Shechem.
You remember how that happened, don’t you?
It took place when Jacob’s sons avenged the rape of their sister Dinah by killing all the men of Shechem.
They captured all the women and brought them home to be their wives.
These women of Shechem were NOT Hebrews.
They were Hivites.
So you can see that from the very earliest beginnings, Jacob’s family was already a mixed one.
And then consider what happened when Israel went down to Egypt.
There was a ton of intermarriage that occurred.
We know this is true because the Torah tells us that a “mixed multitude” left with Israel during the exodus.
Bottomline, there ain’t one Hebrew walking the planet today who can boast of possessing some kind of pure blood…
Because no such pure blood line exists.
When I visited the Holy Land a couple of years ago, I saw Israelis of all “races” and colors there.
In fact, interestingly, if I didn’t open my mouth, everyone thought I was a native-born Israeli (of the Sephardic type I guess) and I’m mixed (half Asian and half European).
Even the line of Messiah has both Canaanite (from the prostitute Rahab) and Moabite (from Ruth) blood in it.
The uniting issue has always been one’s allegiance to the God of Israel (and no other nation!), NOT bloodlines.
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile,
neither slave nor free,
nor is there male and female,
for you are all one in Messiah Yeshua.”
-Galatians 3:28
“Don’t think to yourselves,
‘We have. Abraham for our father,’
for I tell you that God is able to
raise up children to Avraham
from these stones.”
-Matthew 3:9
“Then Peter began to speak:
‘I now realize how true it is that God
does not show favoritism
but accepts from every nation the
one who fears Him
and does what is right.'”
-Acts 10:34-35
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