Following the slaughter at Jabesh-Gilead, the 400 virgins were given to the male survivors of the tribe of Benjamin.
However, there was a total of 600 remaining male Benjamites.
So Israel was 200 wives short.
What to do?
The plan devised was pure genius and illustrates why the Jewish people make the best lawyers in the world bar none.
Every year in Shiloh there was a festival held to the Lord.
And lots of women attended this festival…including many young virgin girls.
So here’s what was proposed.
The leaders of Israel told the Benjamites to go to the festival and hide themselves.
Then when the young virgins came out to dance, they were to quickly jump upon them and carry them off to their homes to be their wives.
The Israelites assured the Benjamites there’d be no interference from them.
However, there was still the problem of the fathers of the kidnapped daughters rising up and complaining.
The leaders of Israel told Benjamin not to worry about that either.
The fathers of the stolen girls would be reasoned with and persuaded not to react because it was best for all Israel.
In addition, they wouldn’t be breaking the vow they had made to God to not give their daughters to Benjamin…
Because their daughters weren’t given, they were STOLEN…
And afterwards the fathers simply made the choice to not go after them.
Pure genius!
And I reiterate my point that it’s no wonder the best lawyers in the world come from the Jewish population…
And not just for their mental dexterity.
But also because, if you think about it, the Law itself was given to Israel.
One final point.
The 600 male survivors were not all that remained of Benjamin.
There would have been the elderly, young children and some babies who remained alive.
The point is these 600 male survivors of Benjamin were of an age when they were they able to impregnate the young virgins and keep the line of Benjamin alive and well.
And by this means, YHWH ensured that Saul of Tarsus would be around to write some letters some considerable time later..
Interesting point.