“The army of Israel began by going up to Beit-El, where they asked God, ‘Who should go up first to attack the army of Binyamin?’ Adonai said, ‘Y’hudah first.‘”-Judges 20:18
Following on the heels of yesterday’s post, so Israel went up to Beit-El (where the Tabernacle was located) to ask God how to fight the war against Benjamin.
The Lord’s answer was “Judah should attack first”.
However, did God speak to Israel in an audible voice here?
The answer is no.
Israel got their answer from God through the Urim and Thummim…
These were the two sacred stones used to divine the Lord’s Will.
We’re not exactly sure how God spoke through these stones.
Maybe one of the stones glowed or something.
Regardless just know that God did NOT speak out loud like He did with Adam and Eve in the Garden or how He did at Sinai.
The Lord’s answer came from the Urim and Thummim…
Which leads to an interesting question.
How do we hear God’s Voice today?
Because obviously we don’t have access to sacred articles such as the Urim and Thummim.
Well, I’m glad you asked…
Because I’m gonna give you the formula to hearing God’s voice.
Here are three simple steps you can do as soon as you finish reading this sentence to get a solution to any challenge you’re facing in your life right now.
FIRST, quiet yourself in prayer…
SECOND, present your problem or whatever issue you’re struggling with to the Lord…
FINALLY, amidst the stillness the Lord will speak to you in a small and calm voice…
They will be like spontaneous thoughts that light upon your mind.
You’ll know it’s the Lord because there will be a confident peace in your heart to move forward with a certain action.
Remember, the Lord is not the author of confusion or any feelings of ickiness.
Over and out.
Well said… no ickiness in God’s voice.
I do not believe you read these comments. So now explain why God gave Moses the beginning of the year but the Rabbis give it as Rosh Hashana. Why not call it by its proper name feast ofTrumpets.
Hi Judith,
I read all comments but don’t respond to all.
I’m not sure what the answer is off the top of my about your Rosh Hashana question.