There is one part of the Bible that Westerners do NOT understand at all.
I’m not exaggerating.
It’s almost impossible for them to wrap their heads around this one concept that plays such a key role in the Scriptures.
What am I talking about?
I’m talking about Tribalism.
This is an ancient and oriental mindset that says above all tribes must remain loyal to themselves.
A tribe in the Middle East does not so easily accept outsiders into their inner circle.
And they detest outside interference…EVEN IF it comes from a brother tribe.
It doesn’t matter if they regularly have blood feuds among themselves.
God forbid an outside party (especially from a different race and nation) would try to interfere in their matters.
Why do you think countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Jordan and other places in the Orient utterly detest the United States and other western countries for trying to interfere with their business?
It’s because of this tribalism mentality.
And that’s exactly what we see here in chapter 20 of Judges.
Messengers were sent to the various clan leaders of Benjamin telling them to hand over the rapists of Gibeah so they could be brought to justice (the death penalty in this case).
But Benjamin refused.
They refused to punish the scoundrels of Gibeah on their own…
And heck if they were going to let the 11 other tribes push them around and tell them what to do.
Again, it’s because of the tribal mentality at work here…
If you can understand this idea and how it’s so thoroughly woven throughout the Bible, you’ll go from chaos to clarity in terms of understanding the Scriptures.
The other 11 tribes expected a long and drawn out battle with Benjamin…
And they knew that among Israel, the Benjamites were the most most fierce and stubborn warriors of them all.
Plus they also had the advantage of terrain…something we’ll get into later.
So they weren’t going to take any chances even if they greatly outnumbered Benjamin.
Each of the 11 tribes supplied 10% of their men to make sure there’d be a strong supply of soldiers.
To close, wanna know what the biggest conflict the world is currently experiencing with Tribalism is?
It can be summed up in one word: Islam.
That’s right folks.
Understand Islam’s main objective is to return the entire planet to tribal governance.
So all those politicians might wanna think twice about trying to establish peace with Islam through appeasement and ridiculous compromise.
Because Islam is operating under a totally different agenda…
Islam….so so true what you say. But the Sunnis will unite with the Shia against Israel.
In the end of days, it is prophesied that the whole world will turn against Israel.