Most pastors, preachers and teaches shun teaching the Book of Judges like the plague for a very simple reason.
It’s filled with darkness, doom, disasters and failures repeated over and over and over again.
And while there is a dim light of hope at the end of the tunnel, it’s a long time in coming.
In fact, the Book of Judges is a perfect example of why God’s most famous prophets were ridiculed and persecuted by the masses.
Because who in the heck wants to be subjected to a constant barrage of criticism and judgment over their behavior?
You’d have to possess a real thick skin to preach the truth in a dark and fallen world that doesn’t wanna have anything to do with the things of God.
Anyway, here’s the no-hold’s barred truth about the Book of Judges.
More than any other book, it is a message for our times.
In a world where churches across the land have declared God’s Holy Law to be null and void, the Book of Judges is a clarion call to return to the ways of Adonai.
Unfortunately, this seems to be a message nobody wants to hear.
And if you know anything about creating messages that appeal to the masses like I do (I work as a direct response copywriter), I’ll tell you right now, to preach and teach the message contained here in Judges is to commit marketing suicide.
Because nobody wants to hear it.
It’s negative and calls people out on their sin.
That’s why a lot of pastors only focus on the buttery, maple syrupy love of God while continually and deliberately ignoring everything else.
That’s not what the Bible teaches and that’s not how Yeshua taught.
I mean take a look at some of these messages.
“You brood of vipers,
how can you who are evil
say anything good?
For the mouth speaks
what the heart is full of.”
-Matthew 12:34
Or how about this one?
“I told you that you would die in your sins;
if you do not believe that I am he,
you will indeed die in your sins.”
-John 8:24
It doesn’t exactly seem like Yeshua’s trying to win any popularity contests here, does it?
Anyways, having said all that, there is hope contained in the book of Judges.
But it is a hazy and dim hope that seems to be far off in the distance.
Yet as dark and dim as it is, the expectation that things will get better are here.
But before the good things can manifest, the Lord first needs to wake his people up from their delusion that they can do good by doing things their own way.
It just ain’t gonna happen.
Because we’re crippled by our sin.
We’re like blind men wandering around in the darkness stumbling and groping and getting nowhere as a result.
Unfortunately, in a world blinded by the New Age that loves to promote the idea we’re already perfect human beings and we just need to love ourselves more, this is a message no-one wants to hear.
“I’d much prefer Snickers bars and Reeses Peanut butter cups to cucumber and carrot sticks for my health, thank you” is the response of the masses to the gospel message.
Over and out homies.
the central Theme of judges to me is simply “Learn from history or you will repeat it”. Israel is a shining example of this failure with the US close behind.
Yeah, I guess that’s a nice concise way to put it.