Let’s talk a little bit more about the true Biblical meaning of the word “tribulation”.
In the “Old” Testament, the word for “tribulation” is LACHATS in Hebrew.
And in the New Testament, the word is THLIPSIS in Greek.
The proper meaning of the word is “to apply pressure”.
And that pressure can be either great or not so great.
Here in the Book of Judges, we see the type of pressure being applied was both societal and psychological.
The common Israelites were being pressured to go the way of “peace” instead of following God’s clear instructions to boot the Canaanites out of the land.
What makes matters worse is there were certain rewards bestowed upon those who complied with the politically correct demands of the day.
In a nutshell, “your life will be more convenient if you comply with our agenda” was the carrot being dangled in front of the Israelites.
That carrot included access to things the “non-compliant” didn’t receive and overall a pathway to better oneself economically.
Notice how the devil has always used these temptations to get people to follow him.
Keep this in mind when you’re reading the prophetic books in the New Testament.
Because the tribulation is NOT just about some Nazi-like government regime who rounds up people and kills them.
While it’s true in the very end times things will escalate to that level, in the beginning things start off much lighter.
It begins when a godless society and government starts making life uncomfortable for those of faith by first imposing minor inconveniences on them.
As I mentioned yesterday, it starts with not being able to eat indoors at restaurants, not being able to travel without showing some special form of ID, and not being able to gather with friends like you used to and so on and so forth.
Finally, things escalate to the point where you could even lose your job if you refuse to comply.
Sounds pretty darn familiar, doesn’t it?
Ancient Israel was facing the very same temptations.
The pressure to conform to the Canaanite’s sexually deviant and heathen lifestyle were enormous.
On top of that, making money over everything else became the priority.
So the question that comes to mind is this:
Based on everything I just said, are we now in the tribulation according to the true Biblical definition of what a “tribulation” is?
I would have to say yes.
I mean the clues are all out there for anyone to verify for themselves.
Some nations have it worse than others but make no bones about it, there seems to be some force out there with the ultimate aim of getting all the people in the world to bow down and worship it.
And if what the Bible predicts is correct, things are only going to get much worse before they get better.
“Satan, who is the god of this world,
has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe.
They are unable to see the glorious light
of the Good News.
They don’t understand this message
about the glory of Messiah,
who is the exact likeness of God.”
-2 Corinthians 4:4
If the antichrist (s) has been here since 1 John 2.18-.19 then yes I believe the tribulation has been here just as long. The seven seals of revelation have been opening since Christ ascended to His father and is now seated on His throne. The four horsemen of revelation 6 have been here also, this is the tribulation. so now if this is true; then Christ may return to earth at any moment. This is my opinion and I live every day with this influence on my heart and mind. I would think it is probably just how the early Christians were living their lives.
Thanks for sharing George. Be blessed and Shalom.
Question: Are we to understand you also are against “v” for lethal diseases like COVID-19? Do you think we should just not get “v” and die off and/or may the strongest survive? Our children must be inoculated against several infectious maladies and viruses before they enter public school (e.g., diphtheria, TB, polio, measles, chickenpox, etc.). So should we just ban all “v” against deadly viruses and diseases that Yah has given us the scientific knowledge to prevent sickness and death they cause? I need clarity on what you mean about “v”. We believe that protecting human life is paramount to Yah, and using the knowledge and gifts He provides to do that is just as important. We also believe that those who think it’s okay to needlessly expose others to a deadly disease need Yeshua and to learn His ways. (Or at the very least, stay away from others.) And, yes, I personally know of a few innocent people who DIED from catching the virus from people who wouldn’t get “v”. We are “v” and boostered because we care about our lives and those of others, and want to see our grandchildren grow up, maybe even see their children.
Hi Edwina, Many of my friends have taken the “V” and I’m still researching the matter. I am getting a bit concerned with the direction the world is moving in with mandates etcetera. I think there’s more than one valid narrative other than the one that every single person on the planet has to take it. I just emailed you some info you might find interesting. Be blessed and Shalom.