I want you keep something in mind as we continue our study through not just Judges Chapter 2 but the whole book of Judges.
Israel was already a saved people.
That’s right.
This generation of Israelites who had fallen into such wickedness were NOT heathens.
They were a fully saved people in every sense of the word.
They weren’t pretending to be saved.
Nor were they a people who had once been saved but weren’t saved any longer.
They were the equivalent of a born again and blood redeemed believer in our day.
However, and here’s what we’ve got to take to heart, Israel’s salvation history was about to be reversed.
But it was not an act of God stepping away from Israel.
It was an act of Israel stepping away from and abandoning God.
The severe punishments that resulted was God disciplining His children to get them to return back to Him.
This is something we also need to take personally.
Because it has a direct connection to us believers in the modern age.
When our behavior is so bad it warrants being kicked out of the kingdom, God will do His darnedest to keep us in His safe grasp.
This is an unchangeable God-pattern we can count on.
In fact, the constant discipline we experience at the hand of the Lord is evidence He has not yet given up on us.
However, God’s disciplining will not be forever.
He will NOT always strive with us.
If we are so determined to leave the Kingdom to live a sinful life, there is a point when God will say “as you wish” and release us back to our unsaved state.
When that happens, we will literally go from being His people to LO AMMI or not His people.
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