“There they turned off the road to go and stay in Giv‘ah. He went in and sat down in the city’s open space, since no one had offered his home for them to spend the night.”Judges 19:15
So the Levite, his concubine and his servant are on the road heading back home.
After a couple of hours, they arrive at a place called JEVUS or JEBUS as it’s written in some English Bibles.
Now remember that name Jevus.
Because this little town was renamed to Jerusalem after King David took it over.
Jebus is located about 6 miles from Bethlehem, so about a 2-hour walk.
Since the sun was starting to set the servant suggested they spend the night inside the huge walls that enclosed the city of Jevus.
However, the Levite didn’t want to stay there because Jevus was a city of gentiles during this time.
The Levite instead suggested they travel a little further and try to find lodging in a predominately Hebrew city such as Gibeah or Ramah.
So they kept trekking on but they were only able to make it as far as Gibeah before the darkness finally settled in.
Gibeah was Benjamin territory, so it was a Hebrew city.
But unfortunately, the hospitality the Levite was hoping to receive would not be forthcoming.
We’re told they went inside of the city, sat down at the city square just inside the gates and waited.
They were hoping the city residents would notice them as they walked by.
Many folks passed them by.
But no one offered them a place to stay for the evening.
And they were in a city occupied by fellow Hebrews!
But not only that.
Hebrew or not, it was considered a sacred duty to offer hospitality to a traveling stranger.
The fact that no one came to their aid reflected on the residents’ lack of morals and was a sign of what was to come…
Which leads us to our takeaway for today.
How many times have you saw someone in obvious need and you completely ignored them?
It doesn’t have to be as big a thing as offering your own home to a stranger…
It could be your co-worker who needs some extra help with his work…
It could be a friend who is struggling with some issue and needs someone to talk to…
Or yes, it could be someone you know who has lost his job, can’t afford to pay the rent and does need a place to stay for a while until he finds a new job and gets back on his feet.
Remember, Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed for lack of hospitality, not lack of heterosexuality.
And Yeshua said when you helped out one of his brothers, you were also helping him.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you made me your guest,
I needed clothes and you provided them,
I was sick and you took care of me,
I was in prison and you visited me.’
Then the people who have done
what God wants will reply,
‘Lord, when did we see you
hungry and feed you,
or thirsty and give you
something to drink?
When did we see you a stranger and
make you our guest,
or needing clothes and provide them?
When did we see you sick or in prison,
and visit you?’
The King will say to them,
‘Yes! I tell you that whenever you
did these things for one of the least
important of these brothers of mine,
you did them for me!’”
-Matthew 25:35-40
Hardness of heart was the real reason!
That was definitely part of it.
Did you ever think those angels were so beautiful when the men of Sodom saw them they lusted for them… They said to Lot they wanted to know them. Lots response was never do such a thing here take my daughters instead. There reply to Lot was oh really we will f you. THAT is when the angels stepped in. Hospitality had nothing to do with it. It was lust backed with violent threat.
It was hospitality. Or lack thereof. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were exceedingly wicked towards anyone who came within their borders.
Artworks Malm
1:03 PM (6 hours ago)
to richoka7
I enjoy reading your commentaries and most things I get however this explanation of hospitality as the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction may well be part of the reason but their evil intent goes well beyond that, Yeshua clearly states in Matthew 12:50 who his mother brothers and sisters are For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
Thanks for reading. I think my headline for this post is a bit misleading. A lot of folks think I’m implying that homosexuality is all fine and dandy and I’m not. I’m just saying the MAIN reason God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah was because of how wicked they were towards anyone unfortunate enough to come into their borders