Yesterday I made the point that both modern Christianity and Judaism have cherry-picked parts of the Word they preferred and cast aside the rest.
I lambasted Christianity for adopting the false doctrine that the Law has been done away with or “nailed to the cross” as they like to put it.
However, today let’s shift our focus to Judaism.
The first thing you need to know is that you’ll find absolutely ZERO mention of the Synagogue in the Tanakh or the “Old” Testament.
The synagogue was and is a purely manmade institution that was created by exiled Jews in response to their being hauled off to Babylon in the early 6th century B.C.
When that happened the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, the priesthood connected to the temple was destroyed and the Jews found themselves prisoners in a gentile world surrounded by pagan customs and their religious beliefs.
Imagine their predicament.
They had no way of ritually cleansing themselves…
They couldn’t eat any Kosher food…
They had been rendered totally incapable of properly observing the rituals of the Torah for Shabbat or its ordained festivals.
So what to do?
First, primarily for the purpose of separating themselves from the Babylonian gentiles they began meeting together for fellowship.
Then, over time, they acquired buildings, appointed leaders and teachers, and eventually developed what turned out to be quite a complex and comprehensive system of teachings and traditions that addressed their plight of how to live while stuck in a gentile world.
None of this was God-ordained.
But it was a practical solution to a sticky situation.
And it did serve the useful purpose of maintaining a common identity among the scattered Jewish communities.
Unlike the 10 “lost” tribes who were scattered all over the Assyrian landscape, they were able to avoid assimilation into the gentile world.
So this was how the Synagogue and Judaism were born.
Now let’s discuss the so-called Oral Law or as I like to call it the Oral “Tradition”.
In a nutshell, the Oral Torah are the interpretations of the Law of Moses
And I emphasize the word “interpretations”.
Consider them to be like the doctrines in Christianity.
Judaism uses the term “traditions”.
Christianity uses the term “doctrines”.
But they’re different words describing the same thing.
Among the over 20,000 Christian denominations in existence, each one of them has decided to interpret the Scriptures in their own way.
Then when these interpretations are made official by so-called Church authorities, they’re turned into doctrines that shouldn’t be questioned or else.
Probably the most common doctrine is the Trinity idea which I’m pretty sure you’re all familiar with.
One of the more aberrational doctrines out there is the idea of Transubstantiation adopted by the Catholic Church.
This doctrine says that during communion the wine literally, not symbolically or metaphorically, becomes blood.
And that the bread somehow literally turns into human flesh.
I’m serious.
Catholics really believe if you were to perform a chemical analysis of the wine they drink during communion, they’ll tell you you’ll find out its blood.
Another famous doctrine I’m sure you’re well familiar with is the idea of eternal security.
This doctrine was made official by the Southern Baptists and it states that after you’re saved, there is nothing you can do nor is there any circumstance that could cause you to lose your salvation.
Again I stress these are INTERPRETATIONS…
Certain scripture verses are cherry-picked and then passed through the subjective filter of men before they are “officialized” as doctrines.
However, if you were to tell a Southern Baptist or Catholic that their doctrines are just their own denomination’s interpretations, they would disagree with you.
They would say “No way homie. That’s what the Scripture plainly says”.
From their perspective, they are teaching the Bible when they teach their doctrines.
The same goes for the Trinitarian by the way.
They insist their doctrine clearly expresses what Scripture really says.
Now understand the same thing goes for how religious Jews feel about their Oral Law.
They believe that every interpretation of the Torah given by an established Jewish authority is just as divine as if it was given on Mount Sinai.
But let me be clear here.
Oral teachings are NOT believed to be received in the sense that Moses himself wrote down those interpretations.
Rather, the interpretations are somehow supernaturally embedded in the letters of the Torah themselves and were later discovered by the Jewish sages.
Think of how the fruit of a tree is originally contained in hidden form in its seed before it sprouts branches containing fruit.
That’s the Jewish mindset on the matter.
If the written Torah of Moses is the Tree, then the Oral Torah is its fruit…
Because it comes from the same tree…
In other words, they’re of the same substance…
That’s how the argument goes anyhow.
Again, I have to stress all of this came about because of the Babylonian conquest.
This resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple and any functioning Priesthood.
In other words, the pure religion based on the Torah of Moses was REPLACED with something else.
And that something else was a mixture of Torah and newly formed traditions (like wearing a Kippah for example).
Plus keep in mind that this new hybrid religion only applied to the Tribe of Judah.
Because the other 10 tribes represented by Ephraim were swallowed up by the gentile world.
Remember, around 700 years before Yeshua’s birth, 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel were exiled to foreign lands for disobedience.
What remained of the Hebrews in the Holy land was the tribe of Judah and remnants of the tribe of Benjamin.
However, Benjamin was quickly swallowed up by the Tribe of Judah.
Therefore, it was essentially the Tribe of Judah and its assimilated Benjamites who were exiled to Babylon.
Where do you think the term Judaism came from anyway?
Maybe if I spell it out as follows, it will become clearer to you:
That’s right homies.
Judaism is the religion of the tribe of Judah whose roots began when this tribe was exiled to Babylon as I just explained.
And that’s why a majority of the inhabitants in Israel today are called “Jews”….
Again, because they originate from the tribe of Judah.
When we fast forward from Babylon to the time of Yeshua, we encounter two main religious factions competing against each other.
We have the Temple and the Priesthood (yes, the Temple and the Priesthood had been restored by this time and had been operating for centuries) represented by the Sadducees.
And then we have the leaders of the Synagogue (originated in Babylon as I just explained) represented by the Pharisees.
These Pharisees had set up their own religious schools of which one of the most famous was Gamaliel.
You’ve heard of that school, haven’t you?
That’s where the Apostle Paul was trained.
Now here’s the thing and this is critical to understand.
The synagogue had ZERO connection to the Priesthood and the Temple.
That’s right.
Let me say that it again so it sticks.
The Synagogue represented by the Pharisees stood in direct opposition to the Temple and the Priesthood run by the Sadducees.
That’s why the Sadducees did NOT accept the Oral Law or the “Traditions of the Elders” as Yeshua put it.
Of course and this should come as no surprise, the Sadducees ONLY accepted the written and original Torah of Moses and the Prophets as their Scriptural authority.
So trust me you’re not alone if you don’t accept the so-called “Oral Torah” as being some divine revelation originating directly from the hand of Moses.
The Sadducees were against the religion of the Tribe of Judah which originated in Babylon.
They were NOT against the Torah of Moses.
Are you grasping all of this?
So here’s the takeaway from all of this.
In the orthodox religion of the Tribe of Judah that originated in Babylon that today is known as Judah-ism (yeah, I know that’s a mouthful), the Rabbis are seen as the ultimate religious authority and are not to be questioned.
In fact, in Judaism, the Rabbis are seen as even having the right to to change, add, or subtract from the Law as they see fit.
This is my personal opinion but I think that’s dangerous.
My only response is to quote the original WRITTEN Torah of Moses that every religious denomination in the world accepts as having been handed down at Sinai.
Here goes:
“Now, Israel,
listen to the laws and rulings
I am teaching you,
in order to follow them,
so that you will live;
then you will go in and
take possession of the land
that ADONAI, the God of your fathers,
is giving you.
In order to obey the mitzvot
of ADONAI your God
which I am giving you,
do not add to what I am saying,
and do not subtract from it.”
-Deuteronomy 4:1-2
BOTH Christianity and Judaism have regularly added and subtracted from the original pure and WRITTEN commands of the Torah and the results have been utterly disastrous.
DO YOU KNOW: That Jesus promised His disciples that He would return to earth personally and receive them to Himself, so that where He is (in heaven) they would be also (John 14:3; 17:24)?
► That God did not plan to convert the world before Jesus’ Second Coming, but rather “to take out of them [from every kindred, nation, etc.—Rev. 5:9, 10] a people for his name” (Acts 15:14), to reign over earth with Him in His 1,000-year Kingdom, for the blessing, judging and conversion of the world (Acts 17:31; Rev. 3:21; 20:4, 6; Matt. 19:28; 1 Cor. 6:2)?
► That when Jesus in His Second Advent takes to Himself His great power and begins to reign, the nations are “angry,” far from converted—”When the Son of man cometh, shall he find the [so the Greek] faith [the true Gospel] on the earth” (Luke 18:8; 1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Tim. 3:1-8, 13; 2 Pet. 3:3, 4; Psa. 2:1-12; Rev. 2:26, 27; 11:17-19; 19:11-21)?
► That at Jesus’ First Advent He laid down His perfect human life as a Ransom (a corresponding price) for Adam and the race in his loins (Matt. 20:28; Mark 10:45; Rom. 5:12-21; 1 Tim. 2:5, 6; Hos. 13:14) and opened for the Church a new and living way, to immortal life, the Divine nature (John 14:1-6; 2 Tim. 1:10; Heb. 3:1; 10:19, 20; 2 Pet. 1:4)?
► That in Jesus’ Second Advent, a 1,000-year period, He first exalts the Elect Church, His Bride (1 Cor. 15:50-54; 1 Thes. 4:15-17; 2 Tim. 4:8), and the Great Company, “the virgins her companions” (Psa. 45:14, 15; Rev. 7:9-17), and the rest of the elect (Psa. 45:16; Isa. 32:1; Luke 13:28), and then blesses all the rest (“the residue”) of mankind, the non-elect (including awakening the dead—John 5:28-29, ASV; Dan. 12:2), in “the times of restitution [restoration, ASV] of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began” (Acts 3:19-24; 15:16, 17; Isa. 35:1-10)?
DO YOU KNOW: That Christ’s joint-heirs, the Church, will as a part of Abraham’s Seed assist Him in the incoming “times of restitution” in blessing “all the families of the earth,” giving to “whosoever will” the “water of life freely” (Rom. 8:17; Gen. 12:3; 22:18; Acts 3:25; Gal. 3:8, 16, 29; Rev. 22:17)?
► That while God grants no second chance to any of Adam’s race, He gives one full, complete opportunity for everlasting life to all—if not in this life, then in the Restitution times—for Jesus tasted death “for every man” and the “good tidings of great joy shall be to all people” (Heb. 2:9; Luke 2:10, 32; 3:6; John 1:9, 29; 12:32; 1 Tim. 4:10; 1 John 2:2)?
► That Christ “must reign [in His 1,000-year Reign], till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is [Adamic] death” (1 Cor. 15:24-26; Rev. 21:4)?
► That Jesus was “put to death in the flesh” for the life of the world (John 6:51), but was raised, born from the dead (1 Cor. 15:20; Col. 1:18), not as a human being, but as a spirit being (1 Pet. 3:18, ASV; 1 Cor. 15:45, 50; 2 Cor. 3:17; 5:16), far higher than the angels (Eph. 1:20-22; Phil. 2:8-11), in the exact image of God’s person (Heb. 1:3-5), invisible to human eyes (“whom no man hath seen, nor can see”—1 Tim. 6:16; 1:17; John 1:18; 5:37), and able to come and go like the wind (John 3:6, 8)?
► That while spirit beings in their normal condition are invisible to human eyes, they have been permitted to materialize in human bodies, and then later dematerialize, e.g., the angels that appeared to Abraham, Gideon, etc. (Gen. 18:2; Judg. 6:12, 21)?
► That similarly Jesus as a spirit being appeared to His disciples after His resurrection in various fleshly bodies, or forms (Mark 16:12), with clothing created to suit (the soldiers had taken His clothing—Matt. 27:35): e.g., as a gardener (John 20:11-18); as a traveling stranger (the Emmaus disciples knew Him only after He broke bread with them, after which He dematerialized and vanished—Luke 24:13-35); as one with nail-prints in hands and feet (John 20:25-29); as one seeking fish, etc. (John 21:1-14; Matt. 28:16, 17)?
DO YOU KNOW: That only as a spirit being could Jesus have entered His disciples’ assembly room with its doors closed for fear of the Jews, when He materialized in a fleshly body, ate material food (as He had done in Abraham’s day—Gen. 18:8), had them feel the body, and told them, “a spirit [which since His resurrection He is—2 Cor. 3:17] hath not flesh and bones [like He had created then and there in order to appear to them], as ye see me have [obviously flesh, bones, clothing, etc., could not have come through walls or doors of the closed room, though a spirit being, not having such hindrances, could do so—John 3:8]”—thus proving before He dematerialized that He really was present (John 20:19-23; Luke 24:36-48)?
► That Jesus did not materialize a fleshly body when He appeared to Saul, and the glory light from His spirit body (Phil. 3:21) struck Saul blind, a miracle being needed later to restore partially his sight (Acts 9:1-18; 2 Cor. 12:7; Gal. 4:13-15)?
► That the first stage of Jesus’ Second Advent, His parousia (presence), is secret (“as a thief in the night”—Rev. 16:15; Luke 21:34-36; 2 Pet. 3:10), in which the world is unaware of it (Luke 17:26-30; Matt. 24:37-39; the Greek word parousia, meaning presence—see ASV margin—is here mistranslated coming), but in which God’s true people know of it through Bible chronology and prophecy (many fulfillments) and signs of the times (1 Thes. 5:1-5)?
► That thus He comes “in like manner” as He departed at His ascension (Acts 1:11), i.e., quietly, without any great demonstration, unknown to the world, but known only to His true disciples (note that this verse does not state that He would come in like form or like body, but only in like manner)?
► That Jesus said before His crucifixion, “Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more” (John 14:19), and therefore they will never again see Him with their physical eyes, though in the second stage of His Second Advent, His epiphaneia (manifestation), or apokalupsis (uncovering), they will with mental perception see Him “coming in a cloud [the severe trouble of the Great Tribulation] with power and great glory” (Luke 21:27; Matt. 24:21, 30)?
DO YOU KNOW: That as Jesus is revealed to the world in His Second Advent, eventually “every eye shall see him [discern Him mentally, recognize His presence, power and authority in the destruction of Satan’s empire and the establishment of His Kingdom on earth]” (2 Thes. 1:7, 8; Rev. 1:7)?
► That Bible prophecy, chronology and the signs of the times show that we are now in “the time of the end” with its great increase of knowledge and travel, and its unprecedented time of trouble (Dan. 12:1, 4, 9, 10; Luke 21:25-27; James 5:1-8)?
► That “in the days of these kings,” present earthly governments represented in the toes of Daniel’s great image, God is destroying Satan’s empire and establishing His righteous rule on earth (Dan. 2:35, 44; Psa. 46:1-11; Zeph. 1:15-18; 3:8, 9; 2 Pet. 3:7-13)?
► That the “gospel of the kingdom has been preached in all the world for a witness [though not converting them],” so the Age’s end is here (Matt. 24:14; 13:39)?
► That one of the many signs pointing to Jesus’ Second Advent and His Reign of peace is Israel’s return to their land, preparatory to their acceptance of their Messiah and great blessings on them and the Gentiles (Zech 8:1-23; 12:9, 10; 14:16-21; Matt. 23:39; Isa. 2:2-4; Jer. 23:5-8; 24:6, 7; 30:7-11, 18-24; 31:8-12, 27-34; Amos 9:11-15; Rom. 11:25-29)?