“So the P’lishtim seized him, gouged out his eyes and took him down to ‘Azah. There they bound him with two bronze chains and put him to work grinding grain at the mill in the prison.”-Judges 16:21
The New Testament describes a person who comes to faith in Yeshua as being “born again”.
That’s really quite an accurate and appropriate description.
Because our journey as a new born believer from the new birth to spiritual maturity is in many ways similar to the human birth cycle.
When a baby is first brought into this world, as cuddly and cute as he is, he’s pretty much useless in terms of being a contributing member to society.
All he can do is consume resources.
The Laws of Moses didn’t even acknowledge a newborn baby as being an official member of Israel until a full cycle of the moon had passed.
However, over time, a baby was expected to grow and mature and when he became an adult start up the cycle all over again per the command to “Be fruitful and multiply”.
Unfortunately, some folks never grow up…
Or mature spiritually.
Sure our bodies may get big and our muscles may grow strong, but emotionally and spiritually, we’re still infants and still drinking milk when we should be eating meat and potatoes.
Now isn’t that the most accurate description of Samson you can think of?
Sure, Samson was a big boy…
But emotionally and spiritually speaking, he was a young and immature punk.
He never really grew up.
We’re told that when the Philistines captured Samson they gouged out his eyes.
There’s a HUGE spiritual lesson here for us folks.
Samson’s eyes were the instruments of his childishness, immaturity and ultimately unfaithfulness.
Like a child, his eyes were the gateways to his lusts and fleshly desires.
He SAW the honey inside of the dead lion and without a moment’s hesitation stretched out his hand to grab it.
He SAW some attractive Philistine girl and motivated only by lust told his parents he wanted her.
He SAW a seductive lady of the night and thought nothing of bedding down with her.
It was Samson’s eyes that caused his destruction.
So it was Samson’s eyes the Lord had to destroy.
It was only until Samson became blind to the things of this world that he was he able to finally see the things of God.
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