“Shimshon went down to Timnah, and in Timnah he saw a woman who was one of the P’lishtim”.-Judges 14:1
At the end of chapter 13, we’re told Samson was around 18 to 19 years old when the Spirit of God came upon him in power.
So here in verse 1 of chapter 14, Samson had probably turned 20 when he first set his eyes on some Philistine girl he desired to make his wife.
We’re told Samson went down to Timnah.
Where was was this place actually?
Well, Samson’s home was a place called Tzorah which was located in the foothills of Judah about 800 feet above Timnah.
That’s why it says Samson “went down” to Timnah.
Timnah was a city located on the coastal plain of Canaan.
It was also referred to as the Shefelah and the majority population consisted of Philistines.
Now it’s important to know that although three hundred years had come and gone since the Hebrews first entered the Promised Land, there was still no nation called “Israel” at this time.
They were still just a people group who claimed a common ancestor named Jacob, but by no means were they a country yet.
They came close to becoming a nation under Joshua’s rule because at that time all the people accepted ONE leader and ONE priesthood under ONE God.
But soon after Joshua’s death, everything fell apart.
Just when they were on the verge of becoming one strong and indivisible nation, they let themselves slip back to their old tribal ways…
Which basically meant every tribe for itself with no central governing authority.
This is why the Hebrews so easily fell back into idolatry again.
Instead of allegiance to God, allegiances were based on treaty-based relationships with other tribes and their pagan neighbors…which again was a big no-no.
In fact, when Israel finally did establish a central government, that marked the END of the era of the Judges and kicked off the era of the Kings.
Or another way to put it, until Israel established a king with a central government over them, they would NOT be considered a sovereign nation.
During this time they were still a ragtag mob of 13 Semitic tribes (13 because we include the Levites) who were still trying to build roots in Canaan.
So understand, the Promised Land was still called Canaan at this time and in no way was it called “Israel” by either the Hebrews or their Canaanite neighbors.
There’s a huge takeaway here.
The simple reason why Israel still remain scattered and didn’t unify as a nation is because they had lost their focus on God.
The same principle applies to our lives.
When our focus is on God, all the separate and confusing parts of our lives become harmonized…
And we make progress towards achieving the Lord’s Will for us.
When we lose that focus, everything falls apart.
So stay focused on the Lord and don’t be swayed by outside circumstances.
I have a feeling somebody needed to hear this message.
If that’s you leave me a comment and let me know, so I can pray for you.
Over and out.
“When our focus is on God, all the separate and confusing parts of our lives become harmonized…”
I needed to hear this! Brilliantly articulated! Thank you so much!!!
Happy you found this inspiring. Be blessed!
Always spot on and always a fresh perspective
Thank you Don. Be blessed and SHALOM!