I came across an interesting YouTube Video the other day titled “25 Countries with the Highest Rate Atheism”.
However, what really blew my mind was that Israel was on the list!
Yup, that’s right, they were ranked number 20 out of the 25 countries with the highest rate of atheism.
Statistically speaking a whopping 65% of the Jewish state is atheist.
I was surprised but then I got to thinking about it…
In light of what we’ve been studying in the Book of Judges, we shouldn’t be too surprised.
Because there really isn’t much of a difference between Israel back then and Israel today.
Israel back in the era of the Judges had grown complacent towards sin and obeying God’s Word.
They much preferred doing the politically correct thing and tried to get along with their pagan neighbors instead of booting them out of the land as God commanded.
And the current executive administration of Israel today is much the same.
If they could have their way, they would divide Israel into two nations: Palestine (really Philistia) and Israel.
Why would they do that?
For the exact same reasons the Israelites in the Judges era became tolerant of sin in their midst.
They didn’t wanna upset anybody.
And it’s not nice to kick people out of their land who have lived there for thousands of years even if the Creator (the real owner of the land) demands it.
Yet, just as there were in the days of the Judges, there are pockets of Godly resistance in the Jewish state today…especially in the settlement areas of Judea and Samaria.
I’m talking about government officials and citizens who God is stirring up just as he stirred up Samson.
They can’t organize an army and wage a full-scale war over the Philistines (Palestinians) and their allies.
Yet they can be a royal pain in the neck which is what God intended for Samson.
These modern day Samsons for Israel are determined not to leave their God-given land and homes to the Palestinians.
They will NOT give up a piece (of their land) for (a false) peace.
And keep in mind, God’s purpose for Samson was to have him be a “stall tactic” until His anointed king arrived.
As we move forward, we’re gonna see how God led Samson to overturn and disrupt what was a nice, cozy and politically correct relationship between the Philistines and Israel.
This means if we are indeed living in a replay of the era of Judges (which I think we are), that means we can expect God to do the same thing today.
That’s right.
It is God Himself who is making sure there is no peace between the modern day Philistines and Israel.
Because it’s not a peace on His terms.
We all know what peace on God’s terms mean…
Because it’s clearly spelled out in Scripture.
Just as God’s anointed King David wiped out the Philistines in his time, so will King Messiah Yeshua wipe out the modern Philistines (and all enemies of Israel) in our time.
That’s Scripture folks.
Not the maple syrupy lovey dovey falsehoods being promoted in the liberal churches and mainstream media.
“Do not suppose that I have come
to bring peace to the earth.
I did not come to bring peace,
but a sword.“
-Matthew 10:34
I read an article with population stats in Israel. Only Forty % of Israel’s population are Jewish. And their probably secular because if they’d band together HaShem would strengthen them for victory.
Interesting and Amen. Thanks for sharing. Be blessed.