Today I wanna show you just how strong a connection exists between Yiftach’s confrontation with the Ammonites and the modern day conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis.
The similarities are downright uncanny.
So the King of Ammon told Yiftach he wanted the area of Gilead to be returned to him.
And if Yiftach would simply comply with his request, there would be no need for war or any skirmishes whatsoever.
There was one only one small problem with the king of Ammon’s request.
Never in their entire history did they ever hold the land they were demanding Israel to return to them.
All you have to do is take a look at a simple map of the region and you’ll see what I’m saying is true.
The Ammonites dwelled to the east of the region Israel held on the Jordan River’s east bank.
During Israel’s exodus from Egypt to Canaan, it was a tribal nation called the Amorites (again, NOT to be confused with the Ammonites) who controlled the area that would end up being called Gilead.
So it was the Amorites who attacked Israel.
And it was the Amorites who in return got their butts kicked by Israel
Again, I’m talking about the “Amorites”, NOT the Ammonites.
Israel always respected the rights of the Ammonites and so never encroached upon the territory they were dwelling in.
And keep in mind, Ammon’s location was further eastward and thus not directly involved in the battle Israel fought with the Amorites.
It was only because some Ammonites had lived in the region now called Gilead that the King of Ammon was using that as an excuse to tell Israel they had no business being in that area which they had inhabited since they left Egypt 300 years ago.
The facts speak for themselves.
Ammon never lived in the territory of Gilead, nor have they ever ruled over that area.
Therefore, when Yiftach listened to the king of Ammon’s claims, because he was aware of the facts, he knew instantly it was a bunch of hogwash
Now let’s take a look at the Palestinian situation in Israel today.
We see the EXACT SAME BOGUS CLAIMS being made.
And just as Yiftach was prepared and courageous enough to speak the truth, so should we be.
Here are the uncensored facts about the Palestinian situation, facts we should not be afraid to boldly proclaim to anyone who has ears to listen.
Before the year 1967, there was NEVER a people group called the Palestinians nor a nation-state called Palestine in existence anywhere in the world let alone in Israel.
The Palestinians are today are nothing less nor more than Arabs who came from their home countries to find work after Israel was resurrected as a nation in 1948.
When the Arab League with their combined forces launched an unprovoked attack against Israel, all of these Arab migrant laborers fled to the Jordan with the high hopes of returning “home” to their choice of any Jewish home they wanted.
Unfortunately for them, they placed their bets on the wrong set of cards, because Israel fought back and won and afterward they sure as hell weren’t gonna let those former Arab workers who were rooting for the Arab League back into Israel.
The Arab countries from which these migrant workers came refused to allow these poor Arab day laborers back into their home countries. As a result, not only did they become displaced refugees, but they became political pawns in the Arab nation’s hands used to manipulate the media and pressure Israel to turn over their land to them.
Literally almost overnight, those displaced Arab workers were given the label “Palestinians” and this false narrative that they were a persecuted ancient people group who have been kicked out of their land by the Jews was created.
The media and the western countries of the world (including my country the United States) went along with the brazen lie explained in Indisputable Fact 5 because they don’t want to upset the Arab nations which could also possibly disrupt the free flow of oil into their countries.
And there you have it.
That’s the sad situation where we’re at today folks.
What happened in the past thousands of years ago is happening today.
However, there is one key difference.
And that difference is that in the past Israel had a Jephthah who wasn’t afraid to tell the King of Ammon to take his ludicrous claims and shove them up his you know what.
Today Israel needs a leader like Jephthah to tell Israel’s enemies that they are liars and that come hell or high water, no way are they going to give up even one centimeter of their God-given land.
Unfortunately and as much as it pains me to say it, the leaders of Israel today are a far cry from what Jephthah was.
They would prefer to be accepted by the gentile world rather than obey God’s Torah…even if that means giving up some of their land for “peace”.
Those cowardly politicians are in for a rude awakening however, because the “peace” they seek through compromise is the highway that leads straight towards God’s wrath.
Friend, I have been overjoyed to have come across and read the sweet honey of truth the Lord has produced through you these last two days. These pieces are not just simple and poetic, they are “WOW!,” and just what I believe the Father is doing more and more in and through His people in these last days. I would hope to meet you one day, hug you and just dance in the Lord, because it is absolutely refreshing to see someone else in the USA get it, and get Him. “Baruch Haba B’shem ADONAI!” Shalom to you and yours. May the Love of Abba, Grace of the Messiah Yeshua, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you continually.
Thank you for the warm words, Matthew.
It makes me sick to my stomach when I see protesters shouting “Free Palestine”.
They don’t know Scripture, they don’t know God’s Will, and they don’t know history.
Rest assured, no matter how bumpy things get, HaShem’s Will will be done.
That land belongs to the Jewish people (and the other 11 Hebrew tribes), period.
Be blessed.