Let’s pretend for a minute that Yiftach stepped into a time machine and was transported into the future sometime in the late 1970’s to face down Yasser Arafat.
When Yiftach arrives he steps out of his time machine and jumps into a cab to meet Arafat at his PLO Headquarters.
After initial pleasantries are exchanged the two men sit down with cups of coffee in their hands ready to start their discussions.
What happens next is pretty predictable.
Yiftach is given the same load of bull nonsense he got from the king of Ammon.
“You and Israel stole the land you’re currently occupying and we want it back”.
So how do you think Yiftach would have responded?
If his response to the king of Ammon is any indicator, we know Yiftach would have been well prepared with the facts.
And he would have been bold in communicating those facts.
I imagine he’d have said something like the following:
“Listen up homie, there has never in all the history of mankind ever been a nation or people group called the ‘Palestininans’.”
“You know as well as I do that it’s a media and Arab League invention.”
“Your claim reminds of the bogus claim I got from the king of Ammon I refuted thousands of years ago before I arrived here on the time machine I came on”.
“Let me remind you of another fact Mr. Arafat. You also know as well as I do that the so-called Palestinian people who we see broadcast on our TV screens day and night NEVER EVEN EXISTED BEFORE THE YEAR 1967”.
“They’re just a bunch of refugees who came to MY land from several different Arab nations to find work and stayed.”
“Soon after the Arab League decided to attack us just like that crazy Sichon, king of the Amorites decided to attack us”.
“When that happened those Arab migrant workers fled to refugee camps outside of Israel where you Mr. Arafat and your band of thugs decided to take them over, call them “Palestinians” and are now using them as political pawns to promote your bogus claim to our land with the support of the anti-Semitic UN and all their news media cronies”.
“Your claim makes about as much sense as the king of the Ammonites’ claim which to be quite frank made no sense at all”.
I believe that’s how Yiftach would have responded.
Unfortunately, there is no strong leader like Yiftach who Israel can turn to today.
However, we need a leader like him.
One who will tell the Palestinians they need to return to the land of their god Allah because the land they’re living in belongs to YHVH, the God of Israel.
One who has the guts to face the media cameras and world governments and proclaim clearly that the so-called Palestinians have no legitimate right to the land Israel is currently occupying.
…the Palestinians NEVER were a nation.
They were NEVER a distinct people group.
And most importantly, they NEVER owned or conquered the land Israel now lives in.
Which means they need to take their grievances elsewhere.
Can you see how the Palestinians are saying the same thing the king of Ammon said?
Up until now, Israel has tried to resolve the issue in a peaceful manner.
But the Palestinians won’t accept any compromise.
They want Israel booted out of the land which is the same thing the Ammonites wanted.
After negotiating with the king of the Ammonites, Yiftach finally came to the realization he had no choice but to prepare for war.
Which is the position modern Israel is going to have to take in its ongoing struggle with the Palestinians.
We’re gonna talk about this some more the next time we meet.
You have nailed it. The close we had a Yeftha was Bibi and the Israelites rejected him. The land of Israel belongs to the Jews only. Period.