“Then the people of ‘Amon gathered together and set up camp in Gil‘ad, while the people of Isra’el assembled and camped at Mitzpah.”-Judges 10:17
From verse 17 things change course as we see the stage set for a showdown between Israel’s militia who set up camp at Mitzpah on the West Bank of the Jordan and Ammon’s army who set up camp in Gilead on the east side of the river.
The time for war between Israel and its oppressors from the east had finally arrived.
However, there was one tiny problem.
Israel didn’t have a general to lead them.
So a council was held to determine how best to find a qualified candidate to do the job.
If they were going to find a strong leader, something of great value had to be offered in return.
But what?
After much hemming and hawing it was finally decided that the man they chose to be general, if he was victorious, would be made head of all the Israelites who lived in Gilead.
Now let me clarify, these council chiefs weren’t thinking of a “judge” or a “tribal leader”.
A Judge or a SHOPHET is a person raised up by the Lord as opposed to being chosen by men.
A Judge’s authority and power came from heaven and not from human governments or councils.
Also the area of Gilead they were offering was not one of the official tribal territories.
In other words, it wasn’t one of the 12 clearly defined pieces of real estate that Moses and Joshua had earlier assigned to the 12 tribes.
Instead, this was an area defined by men for a specific political purpose.
And that political purpose was to find a general to lead Israel’s army against the Ammonites.
If the chosen man was successful in battle, the council would decree this man “head” of Gilead.
But the truth of the matter is this person’s station would be that of a king.
And everyone knew it.
So the stage has been set for the introduction of Jephthah.
The takeaway for today is this.
I spoke about the difference between a Judge and other types of rulers.
I said that a Judges’s authority comes from heaven and an earthly ruler’s authority comes from men.
However, the truth of the matter is it really doesn’t matter because the Lord is in control and working behind the scenes to make sure things come about according to his divine plan.
Men may think they’re in control with all of their conniving and clever plans.
But at the end of the day they are still just pawns in the Lord’s Hands.
So keep that in mind as we begin Jephthah’s story and see how this hated son of a prostitute rose to power in Israel.
This is why I have stated, since before the elections in 2020, that if Biden wins, it is the punishment America deserves from God as a result of our rejection of him.
I pray that the mid-term elections show a change, but I really doubt it because I see absolutely NO repentance on the part of Americans.
I know that sounds very pessimistic, but say that it is more realistic because I read the Bible, and throughout the Tanakh we see God punishes those who reject him (and if the leaders do so, the entire country suffers) and forgives those who repent.
Show me where America is repenting, starting with the leaders- they are the ones God uses as his plumbline of morality and obedience.
Yeah, we’re in for it, people, so buckle up and get ready for a rough ride.
I unfortunately have to agree with you. I don’t sense any mood of repentance, which means we’re all headed for a world of trouble. Because the Lord is just and can’t leave sin unpunished.