There’s a reason why many people are leaving the church in droves.
It’s because they realize the true Messianic faith as practiced by the early believers is a far cry from the anti-Law spirit pervasive in traditional Christian churches today.
Of course, the main sticking point is the false teaching that Yeshua did away with the Law and in its place ushered in some new gentile religion in which anything goes as long as you “love your neighbor”.
However, the “idea of loving your neighbor” becomes meaningless unless it’s understood within the context of obeying God’s commandments.
That’s why we’ll come up with a twisted theology that says it’s okay to perform same-sex marriages because it’s being done in the name of love.
Or it’s okay to have co-worship services with believers from other religions because what we’re really doing is loving our neighbors.
Unfortunately, the truth is such actions are NOT being done out of love.
They’re being done out fear.
Fear of being viewed as backwards and ignorant for not embracing the modern narrative of what is right and wrong.
Or the fear of being politically incorrect which is why many churches will side with the Palestinians instead of Israel concerning the question of who owns the land.
I’ll never forget when I was scolded by an elderly Jewish lady at a Messianic Congregation I used to attend for being a bit too enthusiastic for calling out the paganism in traditional Christianity.
She told me to stop it because it was offensive to the ears of those whom I was targeting.
However, what was really going on in her mind was the fear and embarrassment of being seen together with someone who was so vocal about his faith and where he stood.
This is precisely the same situation that existed in the Book of Judges.
There was an ungodly remnant of Israelite leaders who placed more importance on furthering their personal agendas than obeying God’s Will.
And what were the contents of those personal agendas?
This should sound familiar.
Their reasoning was “peace”.
Peace with their Canaanite neighbors was more important than obedience to some ancient order about sacred land holdings or pledging 100% allegiance to one God and His commands.
Holy cow!
That hits the nail on the head in terms of the state of both Christianity and Judaism today.
In fact, these 2 religious groups appear to be like a pair railroad tracks.
“Let’s not offend anybody” seems to be the rallying cry of both of them.
They both started at the same place and run parallel to each other but both are on a path veering away from God.
It shouldn’t surprise us that both Christianity and Judaism are experiencing similar cycles of disobedience.
Because if God’s laws are unbreakable and unchangeable, that means salvation history will spiral downwards in repeating cycles until Messiah comes back and puts a stop to it.
We’re about to see the story of a people who after a golden period of faith and obedience to God took a serious detour down a path of darkness.
What makes the story even sadder is that Israel never realized it was happening.
They still assumed they were traveling along a path of light and obedience.
Of course, there was always a small remnant who weren’t fooled and tried to get Israel back on the right track but their pleas fell on deaf ears.
It would be only just a matter of a couple of decades before Israel found itself stuck in the mud of oppression from their neighbors and deep into idolatrous practices.
I couldn’t agree more with your article. I can so clearly see all this happening and it breaks my heart. What will these people say at the judgement. I fear for them
Very timely and very true – But the LORD is sitting on HIS THRONE even now, in these confusing times. HE is about ready to pounce on the scene and stomp on some feet, actually many feet – Romans 11:32 : FOR GOD HAS SHUT UP ALL IN DISOBEDIENCE SO THAT HE MIGHT SHOW MERCY TO ALL… (HE is a GOD OF MERCY after all but HE is also the JUDGE)… ROMANS 1:16 SALVATION TO THE JEW FIRST, THEN THE GENTILE – SALVATION – YESHUA HA-MASHIACH, is HIS true name and JERUSALEM is HIS home turf… thus the LION OF JUDAH is about ready to roar and bang some heads together. (Jews, Christians, Islam & all of mankind, after all HE IS GOD and we are not) ISAIAH 66:1 HEAVEN IS MY THRONE & THE EARTH IS MY FOOTSTOOL (HIS resting place) ! What HOUSE can you (mankind – all religions) build for ME? At today’s building prices the cost would be astronomical… Just kidding : IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, therefore, WE as HIS CHURCH are WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB; WE ARE HIS LIVING STONES. Living for HIM in the first place, making HIM our number ONE, no matter how much objection comes our way. Standing on the ROCK; in fact being SUPER GLUED to the ROCK is even better. The LORD is not interested in our Right side, our Left side, our lower part or our upper part; HE WANTS ALL OF US or nothing at all…. Our body/ Our Choice. Matthew 5:17-20 is CRYSTAL CLEAR… THE LAW STANDS… Question : DO WE WANT TO BE CALLED GREAT IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD? DO WE WANT TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD? It is not “Once saved, always saved!” That is a lie from the evil one. YESHUA was, is and always will be a JEW and HE loves HIS FAMILY – the JEWS / 12 tribes – HE is not coming back no matter what, because HE IS ALREADY HERE – HE LIVES IN OUR HEART – THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN ! Matthew Chapter 7 is telling : Judge not that you would not be judged, for with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged… 7:7 : Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened unto you; for every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds, and to him that knows is shall be opened…7;13 : Enter through the strait gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction… v. 14 Because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leads unto life and few are there that find it. v. 21: Not every one that says unto me, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN; but he that does the will of MY FATHER which is in Heaven….keep reading verse 22 & 23 – And then will I (JESUS / YESHUA) profess unto them, I never knew you, depart from me, you evil doers… Seperation of the Sheep & the Goats, or Wheat and tares…. But back to ISAIAH 66:22 (new Heaven, New Earth = LUNAR SABBATH is the key) verse 23 – From New Moon to New Moon, from Sabbath to Sabbath… all flesh shall come to worship before me, says the LORD. ALL FLESH – LIKE”iT IS MY (GOD’S) WILL THAT NONE SHOULD PERISH BUT ALL SHALL COME TO REPENTANCE… Starting over. Genesis 101 is the KEY to KINGDOM LIVING… Clue: The day starts at SUNDOWN… re-adjusting to GOD’S CALENDAR to bring SHALOM TO JERUSALEM & ALL PEOPLE… SHALOM to you … Shout IT from the Roof Tops… Keep up the teaching . Happy Sunday ! #BeBlessed.