Yesterday I introduced 3 truth bombs that showed the state of disarray Israel was in during the period of Judges.
Following on the heels of what I discussed, there’s another important truth bomb we would be remiss to overlook that I didn’t mention.
I’m referring to what was going on with the Tabernacle which was nothing more than a huge and portable tent.
By the time of Chapter 1 in Judges, the Tabernacle was sitting in Shiloh and by this time had become quite worn and torn.
Later under King David, the Tabernacle would be moved to Gibeon.
Keep in mind that a portable tent by definition is usually something that wears out quite easily.
In other words, the general assumption is that it’s something that can easily be repaired.
However, the Tabernacle was much more elaborate than your average portable tent.
It was made up of expensive fabrics and required expert craftsmen to build it.
A somewhat similar example is England’s old churches and cathedrals that are in a serious state of dilapidation today.
It’s a sad sight to behold really.
These grand houses of worship once reflected a nation that was on fire for the things of the Lord but who gradually lost their enthusiasm and then their faith.
So when King David asked permission from God to build a Temple (a task his son Solomon ended up accomplishing), it had nothing to do with replacing the Wilderness Tabernacle.
The Tabernacle was already in such a state of disrepair, it had been abandoned long ago.
Rather, David wanted to build a proper sanctuary accorded to the original specifications Moses had received at Mount Sinai.
But David obviously couldn’t ignore the Ark so he had a tent made to store it in (it was probably a lot more elaborate than your average tent however).
David also took the liberty of assigning regular Levite workers and some priests to look after the Tabernacle.
This is something he shouldn’t have done.
By this time, there were probably only a handful of priests who actually remembered all of the procedures and rites connected to proper handling of the Tabernacle.
A perfect example of just how chaotic things had become was when the Ark was ordered to be brought to Beit Shemesh.
It was placed in an ox cart which was the first big NO-NO committed.
Then while the Ark was being carried, it was about to slip off the cart.
One of the workers reached out his hand to steady what was at the time the holiest object on the planet.
Since we all know what happens when an unauthorized person comes into contact with God’s holiness, the fate of the poor worker was a foregone conclusion.
He died on the spot.
Well, this event caused David to think twice about bringing the Ark near him.
Instead he asked a Levite named Obed-edom to keep the Ark stored in his home.
And that was another serious infraction committed.
Because Obed-edom was a regular Levite worker and not a priest.
Yet, for some mysterious reason, God did NOT destroy Obed-edom and his family.
In fact, Obed-edom and his household were greatly blessed.
And no, we’re not going to go into the reasons why in this article.
When David saw how blessed Obed-edom was, he changed his mind and decided to brink the Ark to Jerusalem near him and had it stored in another tent (probably something quite more elaborate than your average temporary dwelling).
To close, there are 2 main takeaways.
First, we can see how the priesthood had lost its power and were barely on the verge of functioning.
I mean think about it.
They had lost touch with even the most basic of rules which says an unauthorized person is not under any circumstances supposed to even look at the Tabernacle let alone touch it if they don’t want to experience instant death.
Second, everything I’ve just related in both yesterday and today’s post can be summed up in this one singular phrase that is oft-repeated in the Book of Judges.
“In those days there was no king and every man did what was right in his own eyes.”
That was the state of Israel during these times that led them to constantly being judged by God.
Hl Rlch, my question ls why, the use of Kings at this stage. Why ‘No Prophets’ ‘or a sort : but rather the Phrase’;’lsreal had ‘No ‘Kings’.We have Not introduced the issue’ of Kings yet. Many thanks Abraham
Hi Abraham, Good question but please let me answer that later please…when we get deeper into Judges. Your question actually points to a very important point connected the real and often misunderstood theme of the book of Judges. Thanks in advance for understanding. Shalom.