I think it’s high time we stop viewing God’s instructions towards Israel in the “Old” Testament as being barbaric and something that’s not for our day and age.
Because as I’ve explained in my last couple of posts, the events that took place 3000 years ago have direct relevance to what’s going on today.
Of course, I’m referring to the continuing and far-from-finished battle for the Promised Land that Israel is currently embroiled in.
In spite of this, the good majority of the gentile church has taken the anti-Scriptural position of promoting cease fires and “peace” towards Israel’s sworn Arab and Muslim enemies.
They’re hoping to somehow create a treaty that will allow Israel and her enemies to live side-by-side in “peace” with each other.
The hypocrisy continues when they even go so far as to say the Messiah has done away with the “Old” Testament laws which explicitly state the Canaanites are to be driven out of the land.
“Tolerance” is the new banner word being promoted under the false notion that the New Testament God desires peace no matter what the circumstances.
And unfortunately, it’s not just the doctrinally misguided gentile church.
Just like their ancestors thousands of years ago, Israel’s hunger for stability is also so strong, they’ve let this desire for peace override God’s clear commands that the Canaanites must be driven out of the land.
Folks, this is why we have an seemingly unsolvable problem in the Middle East today.
It has nothing to do with oil.
It has nothing to do with the agendas of the UN or the EU.
And it has nothing to with religious differences between Islam and Judaism.
The cause for the current Middle Eastern crisis is one thing and one thing only: Disobedience towards God’s clear instructions concerning who belongs in the land and who doesn’t.
So fair warning here folks.
If there be anyone out there who supports this idea that Israel should give up a portion of their land inheritance to their enemies in order to achieve “peace”, know they are placing themselves on the wrong side of the Creator of the universe.
To be even more specific, those who would support a peace treaty that would grant the rights of the Temple Mount to a people who are dedicated to the destruction of Israel are in rebellion against the Lord.
They are denying the eternal promises God made to Abraham.
Whether they want to admit it or not, they are saying the Lord God was wrong and are implying that God didn’t really mean what He said or somehow doesn’t possess the power to fulfill His promises.
All I can say is, all you naysayers are gonna be in for a serious rude awakening…I believe soon.
That was the first though that came to my mind when the Trump administration rolled out the Abrahamic Peace Accords. I thought, no no no! That’s going the wrong direction. Land for peace is anti productive to what the end game is supposed to be. Either get on God’s side or prepare to be steam rolled over by King Yeshua. I often wonder if the current faith leaders of today will miss Jesus when He returns just like the religious leaders did while He was here the first time. I say Lord, we can take the land but only if you go before us. So when we go to war and see military equipment (horses and chariots) and men more than us (armies of the world) I will not fear for God will be with us who delivered us from Egypt ( this world!)