Are you aware that…
…the mistaken decision Joshua made when he agreed to a “peace agreement” with the Gibeonites…
…is the same darn thing playing out in front of our very eyes on our television sets and in the news right now as I type these words?
All of the attempts to appease and make peace with the Palestinians is no different than the situation between Israel and the Gibeonites about 3000 years ago.
The lessons to be learned is something both modern Israel and the US Government should take to heart.
The Scriptures make it clear that Israel is absolutely NOT to give Hashem’s enemies any foothold in the Promised Land.
Hmmm…let me see if I can make this point any clearer so there will be zero misunderstanding.
The following enemy groups are to be freakin’ driven out of the land for ever:
-Those who refuse to leave the Land of Canaan that God has given to His People Israel.
-Those who decide to not to join Israel.
-Those gentiles who insist on remaining loyal to their pagan gods (if they resist, they are to be driven out of the land or destroyed, period. There ain’t no third option).
Here’s what you’ve got to understand.
The command to drive the Canaanites out of the land has never been done away with.
Hashem gave this command directly to Moses and Moses made Joshua swear he would carry out these instructions neither turning to the left nor the right.
Of course, when Israel was sent into exile due to their disobedience, since they weren’t in the land, the command was rendered inactive but only temporarily.
Now that Israel is back in the land, this divine directive has just been reactivated homies.
I’m well aware this is probably the most politically incorrect thing I’ll say this week, but that’s the plain truth of the Scriptures.
Of course, this is something the United Nations will never acknowledge because they don’t know God nor His Word.
Unfortunately, the same could be said for a good majority of Christian churches out there who adhere to a theology that says Yeshua did away with God’s commands in the “Old” Testament and replaced them all with a ridiculous maple syrupy notion of love.
I remind the Christian church that Yeshua said “not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah — not until everything that must happen has happened“.
The Lord has commanded Israel to rid the Promised Land of ALL false gods and their altars.
And if the native inhabitants of the land decide they’d rather die than leave or surrender to Israel, then so be it.
They are to be killed.
Of course, the Church will say this command (like all the others) has been abolished and that the Palestinians, the Arabs and the other non-Hebrew groups all have a right to live in the land of Israel.
And they go so far as to say that this is what Yeshua would want because it is the peaceful thing to do.
Have they not read the Book of Revelations where it says when Yeshua comes back, he’s returning as a divine warrior to do what Joshua failed to do?
“Do not suppose that I have come
to bring peace to the earth.
I did not come to bring peace,
but a sword.“
-Matthew 10:34
I so agree with this article. I am amazed that people cannot see the truth of this. Of course, believing that the Brit Hadashah cancelled the Tanakh explains a lot. We desperately need informed and anointed teachers in every congregation. This has been my prayer.
Amen Erlene. Thanks for your comment. Be blessed and SHALOM!