The Rabbis of old have some interesting commentary concerning the meaning of using stones untouched by iron to construct an altar.
Here’s the thing.
In Scripture, iron represents destruction.
That’s why it would be wrong for for a tool made out of iron to be used on an altar of life.
There’s also an interesting paradox being presented here.
Consider this.
According to Hashem’s justice system, it is the death of an innocent animal that atones for the life of the guilty.
In other words, it was the substitutionary killing of an animal that allowed the sinner to get off scot free.
Therefore, most folks viewed the altar as representing death.
But actually, the opposite is true.
The altar represents LIFE!
And what the Rabbis said concerning why iron should not be used on stones to create an altar supports this point.
Here’s another way to look at it.
The altar was the mechanism by which man attained peace with God.
Therefore, it just wouldn’t be right to use implements of war to shape them.
Also, consider the reason why King David was NOT allowed to build the second Temple.
“You may not build a house
for my name,
for you are a man of war
and have shed blood”.
-1 Chronicles 28:3.
The Lord was making a point that the temple must be built by those who haven’t shed blood.
Also, consider this verse from the Book of Proverbs.
“God shall judge between the nations,
and shall decide for many peoples;
and they shall beat their swords
into plough shares, and spears
into pruning hooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against nation;
neither shall they learn war anymore.”
-Isaiah 2:4
I want you to know the weapons of war being referred to here are those instruments of destruction that were constructed out of iron.
The idea being carried forth is that all of the iron that was formerly used to wage war and bring about death…
…would now be transformed into instruments that would be used to bring forth life!!!
In other words, the iron weapons would be made into farming tools to bring forth fruit from the ground which is life!
Pay close attention to the Scriptures whenever it talks about iron and altars because there’s a much more profound meaning being expressed than meets the eye.
Finally, here’s an interesting tidbit that I just had to share with you.
Check out this quote that I got from an article published in the Telegraph on April 12th, 2011 about the nails used to nail Yeshua to the cross.
“The rusted, bent iron nails were found more than 20 years ago in a tomb outside Jerusalem which contained a number of ossuaries – boxes containing ancient bones.”
Again, I find the same profound paradox being represented in the crucifixion of Yeshua.
Iron nails and crosses were instruments which represented death to the whole known Roman and Jewish world at the time.
Yet, God turned what was considered a symbol of death into a symbol of life and hope for millions of believers around the world!!!
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