Have you ever been debating another believer on some controversial topic and done this?
In order to defend your position, you whipped out one of your favorite go-to verses from some random part of the Bible and claimed that was the answer to whatever heated argument you were in.
Believers do this all the time.
However, the problem with doing this is that the verses you used are usually ripped completely out of context.
You should know it is really quite dangerous to take a couple of verses and rip them out of context to establish some theological point or doctrine.
Now imagine if you were to rip a whole chapter out of the Bible?
Let’s take this nightmare a step further.
What if we were to rip an entire book out of the context of the Scriptures when formulating doctrine or coming to theological conclusions?
Well, that’s exactly what the gentile church has done when they officially declared that 2/3rds of the Bible have been declared done away with.
When you do that, you lose the proper context of Scripture and more importantly you discard those key God-patterns that reveal the mind of Hashem.
Wanna a perfect example of what happens when the God-patterns established in the Torah are ignored?
Look no farther than the Mormon Church.
Let’s take a look at some basic facts about this cultic entity.
This church was established in the 1800’s and the focus of their faith is centered on a prophet named Joseph Smith and an angel called Moronai.
Interestingly, in some ways Mormons can sound like true believers.
They claim Yeshua as their savior and they claim that the entire Bible is the true Word of God.
But unfortunately things don’t stop there.
They also go on to claim that their prophet (Joseph Smith) and the angel Moronai brought forth new laws and commands that supersede and have done away with the older ones.
Now doesn’t that sound familiar?
The Mormons have literally created and added another New Testament to our Bibles.
Now most Christians shake their heads and look down on the Mormons and claim (correctly) that they are a cult.
I’m reminded of a joke Tovia Singer often tells during his public debates.
He says…“Why did the Lord create the Mormons?”
The answer: “So the Christians would know how the Jews feel about Christianity”.
He’s got a point because if you think about it…
…the Mormons have only been able to do what they have done…
…because mainstream gentile church doctrine has allowed them to do it…
…with their “law has been abolished” teachings.
The Mormon Church is just the first mover to take advantage of mainstream Christian doctrine.
I close with a simple question.
Is it really possible that Hashem would give His Word to Moses (His Mediator), declare that His instructions were eternal and unchangeable and then all of a sudden undo all of His laws and instructions at some future date.
Well, if you are a member of a mainstream gentile church, your answer to that question would be “yes” because that belief is a foundational doctrine of Christianity.
That’s right.
Pretty much every major Christian denomination maintains that with the advent of Yeshua, God’s laws, commands and principles established in the “Old” Testament were abolished and replaced by the new laws contained the New Testament.
And they claim this happened in spite of God affirming literally hundreds of times in the Scriptures that His divine laws and commands were to be forever and for all time.
We’ll continue this discussion the next time we meet.
Mormons observe the Shabbath on Sunday as Joseph Smith claimed that “Jesus” abolished the BEST commandment which is,
“Remember the day of the Shabbath to set him apart for a special purpose. You will labour and do ALL your creative businesses within 6 days. Yet, the 7th day of the week is a Shabbath for Yahweh your mighty ones. You, your sons, your daughters, your servants, your maids, your cattle and your stranger who is inside your own gates shall not work on that day. Because Yahweh made the skies, the land, the waters and ALL which are inside them within 6 days and he rested on the 7th day of the week. Thus, Yahweh respected the day of the Shabbath and set him apart for a special purpose”.
It could be said that Islam is the first to follow the new pattern of abolishing the old for new. After all, look how successful the Catholic church was at it, why reinvent the wheel?
Interesting point.