There’s something important I need to remind you about when it comes to studying Scripture.
The truth of God’s Word is revealed to us in patterns.
The Lord establishes these patterns and once established will continue to repeat themselves throughout BOTH the “Old” and New Testaments.
If you ignore these patterns (which by default the gentile church does because they have decreed that the Mosaic Law has been done away with) you will end up walking in darkness.
When you throw away the patterns of God, the truth becomes distorted to the point where it’s no longer comprehensible.
Contaminated truth leads to contaminated beliefs which will inevitably result in contaminated doctrines.
One big problem is the fast-food, microwave, one-click society we live in.
We want everything fast and we want it right it now-including Biblical truth.
We’ve really lost the beauty, wonder and enjoyment of taking the long but reliable path and now want only shortcuts.
The problem with shortcuts is they often fail to give us the complete picture.
However, the real beauty and nutrition of God’s Word lies in taking the long path.
That’s why I made a decision many, many years ago to blog through God’s Word chapter-by-chapter and verse-by-verse even though I knew it would take me a long time.
Uncovering the divine patterns the Lord has embedded in Scripture isn’t difficult but it does take time.
And it also involves overturning a major church doctrine that teaches that the “Old” Testament should be interpreted in light of the new.
It’s the opposite that is true.
The New Testament is dependent on the “Old” and NOT vice versa.
Because it is in the New Testament where the God-patterns established in the “Old” come to life.
We’ll continue with this discussion the next time we meet.
Hello Richoka,
Hope you are doing very great.
When I was growing up, it was very common to hear that the old is gone, because everything is made new by Jesus Christ. It made sense based on the scriptures that are often referenced.
Interestingly, as was the practice in the catholic church and still is today that every church service have a pattern of readings lifted from the old testament and confirm its fulfilment in the new T. Therefore as a young catholic at the time, I never bothered myself with the interpretation because it never meant the Old T is obsolete.
However, it is a very worrying phenomena to listen to all kinds of preacher men these days trying to completely scrape the Old T from the holy scriptures. That is ridiculous.
Come to think of wining souls for the church. Anytime we go for evangelism, it is NOT simple and easy to tell a new convert about Christ, without mentioning Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses.
It will forever remain the ONLY TRUTH, that, the OLD T feeds the NEW T. In otherwords, the OT is a promise that is fulfilled in the NT.
So! the question that begs the answer is; do we have foundations at the roof of buildings? NO! The root and foundation of our Faith in Christ is based on the call of Abraham to father the new nation of God’s children. We don’t need to defend these basic truths.
All we do is to continue to teach those who don’t know and are willing to learn.
Thanks boss
May God forever, bless you and your family in the name of Yeshua