Yesterday I mentioned that if when reading the New Testament you encounter any verse by Paul or any of the other apostles that seems to imply the Law was done away with or altered, you need to search for a different explanation, period.
Because if you don’t, you’re violating one of either of the following two principles.
Principle 1:
ONLY Moses is the “Lawgiver” and no one else.
Principle 2:
Yeshua himself said in what is probably the most unambiguous statement he ever made that he did NOT come to change or abolish the Law.
Therefore, whenever you’re reading the Book of Romans or Galatians which are the books Christians love to go to support their lawless ideas that the Torah was done away with, understand that if Paul is really saying Yeshua’s sacrifice put an end to the Law, then it is violating one of the above two principles and thus we should immediately tear out all of Paul’s letters from our Bibles.
Now don’t misunderstand me here.
I absolutely do NOT believe Paul was a false teacher as some folks in the Hebrew Roots movement conclude.
I believe EVERYTHING Paul taught was both accurate and true.
What I take issue is with how the gentile church has interpreted his teachings.
Since about 100 A.D., it is clear the gentile church has been following an agenda to systematically separate themselves from the Hebrew roots of their faith.
This is kind of like severing the head from its body and still expecting the now corpse to somehow still live.
When you rip out the very foundation of God’s Word and throw it in the trash, you’re literally trashing the very document containing all of Hashem’s divine principles, laws and commands.
Or to put it another way, you’re trashing the only document that is the basis and rock for understanding the New Testament writings of Paul and the Apostles.
Is it any wonder that the true and original Messianic Faith has devolved into literally like 20,000 different Christian congregations scattered all over the world each with their own unique and aberrational doctrines?
Trashing the Torah also makes the institutional church out to be a bunch of hypocrites.
Because while asserting that the Lord never changes, at the same time they’re saying He DID change and…
…that He changed in a huge way.
How can the Torah, which the Lord declared to be forever, be done away with?
Well, the truth is pretty much NOTHING the Christian church has said about the law being done away with is true.
The only thing they’re right about is their declaration that God does NOT change.
But why not follow up that declaration with consistent theology and action?
Quite impossible when you trash the Torah.
I betcha all of these anti-missionary groups such as those led by Tovia Singer (whose teachings I like actually) aren’t preaching and teaching against what the New Testament REALLY says.
No, they’re preaching and teaching against how the gentile church has interpreted the New Testament.
If the New Testament was presented in its true light, it would instantly be recognized as true Judaism…which is what it is.
That’s right homies.
Yeshua and the original apostles (all Jewish by the way), never intended to convert to or start a new religion.
From beginning to end, they were Jews practicing Judaism.
Sure, when Paul said Yeshua accomplished things the Law couldn’t, he was correct.
And that’s because Yeshua’s sacrifice accomplished something the Law was never intended to accomplish in the first place.
Yeshua’s sacrifice was for the justification of our redemption.
The Law was the blueprint for how to live AFTER one is saved, it was never meant to be a vehicle for salvation.
I don’t know how many times I gotta say this but again keep in mind that God saved Israel FIRST and then AFTERWARDS gave them His Torah.
That’s the gospel message right there embedded in the Torah.
The Torah instructs us on how to live a life pleasing to God AFTER we are saved.
To close, as we move forward in our study of the Book of Joshua, understand this one thing.
Joshua’s leadership of Israel was to be based on the non-negotiable principle that the Torah was NEVER to be meddled with.
Unfortunately, many future leaders of Israel would decide otherwise and when they did they were judged by Hashem as wicked.
When man’s word overrode God’s Word, they were denounced.
In fact, a lot of Paul’s criticisms are leveled at man-made traditions and teachings as opposed to what was in the Word.
The great prophets and leaders of Israel never tolerated any deviation from God’s Holy Law and neither should we.
Judaism is under the curse of the “isms” revealed here.
13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:
14 Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid, Isaiah 29:13-14
The Most High isn’t about a religion. The Messiah says that those who worship must do so in Spirit and truth.
All attempts to promote mandatory Torah observance is nothing more than modern day Judaizing.
Are you kidding me? Obviously I disagree.
I can appreciate that. It’s really Isaiah 29:13-14 you are disagreeing with.
Remember you shua I did not come to make a new religion, and time New Covenant should be renewed Covenant with generation. Same as what was already installed.