I finished off yesterday’s post by quoting verses Matthew 5:17-19.
Let me post them again for you here.
“Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah- not until everything that must happen has happened. So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”-Matthew 5:17-19
Messiah Yeshua is here telling his audience that in no way did he come to change, add to or do away with the Father’s divine instructions that were handed down to Moses at Sinai.
He stated quite the opposite actually.
He came to execute the Law to its fullest and original divine intent.
I mean think about it man, can you imagine the Messiah of Israel doing anything else?
He even made it clear using the smallest letter, the Yod in the Hebrew alphabet, that whoever attempted to do away with even the tiniest sliver of detail in God’s laws would be labelled as the least in the Lord’s Kingdom.
This brings me to a principle you can bet your very soul on.
If any priest, prophet, pastor, Bible teacher, or preacher attempts to change God’s Law, you can rest assured that person is on the wrong side of God’s grace.
And I’ll add to that…
…if it seems like any one of Hashem’s divinely appointed prophets or mediators changed God’s Law, per Biblical definition know this is literally IMPOSSIBLE.
It just cannot be.
And any of the so-called controversial verses we encounter must also be held up to…
…the Law of Moses that was handed down at Sinai and written down in the first five books of the Bible that we call the Torah.
This is just so important I have to say it again.
If during your Bible studies or while attending some new congregation, you ever come across a verse or are exposed to a teaching that even so much as implies that the Law of Moses has been changed or done away with, I’m telling you, you can confidently throw that teaching in the trash or cross that congregation off of your list as a potential house of worship that would feed your soul.
And if you come across some specific Scripture verse that seems to say the Law is no longer valid, such a possibility must be instantly dismissed.
Because it is fundamentally impossible per Hashem’s covenant that such a thing could have happened.
And we can know with confidence that there’s no way Moses could have changed any of the commands he received at Sinai when he delivered his message at Mount Nebo.
Because he died there homies.
And this happened BEFORE the Hebrews entered the Promised Land.
I mean, like duh.
So let’s get this straight for all time and forever, after the close of the Book of DEVARIM (Deuteronomy), no matter what goes down in the history of Israel, it will NOT involve any fundamental alteration to the Law of God.
Now I know what you’re thinking?
What about all them verses in the New Testament (especially those written by Paul) that seem to speak otherwise?
We’ll take on this topic the next time we meet.
Oh boy will we ever take on this topic.
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