Before we proceed to Joshua Chapter 6 (which is a direct continuation of chapter 5), I want to briefly summarize the main points about the divine warrior apparition that manifested in front of Joshua.
I want to break it down into three succinct points as follows:
POINT 1: This Was A Manifestation of God Himself And NOT A Regular Angel Or Even An Archangel
We know this is true because the archangel allowed himself to be worshipped and when Joshua bowed down to Him, the being spoke the exact same words that were given to Moses nearly 100 years earlier: “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”
POINT 2: The Divine Warrior Had NOT Come To Fight Alongside Israel
When Joshua asked the warrior if he was for him or against him, the warrior responded by saying “neither” (LO in Hebrew). This was a strange answer. The Jewish sages also admit the warrior’s response was quite mysterious and go on to explain he was stressing to Joshua that he was NOT to be placed under any human authority. And thus he had not arrived to provide soldiers to Joshua and he was not going to be under Joshua’s command.
POINT 3: This Divine Manifestation Is A Perfect Example Of The “As-In-Heaven-So-On-Earth” Principle In Action
Scripture tells us that there are parallel dimensions. There is the physical world that we can see and there is the spiritual world that is invisible. Yet these two realities work together to achieve Hashem’s purposes so that His Will will be done on heaven as it is in earth. And speaking of Holy War, the Lord possesses His own army of warrior angels generally believed to be led by the archangel Michael just as He has established His own physical army at Mount Sinai which in our current Joshua study is now being led by Joshua. Yet the supreme Commander-in-Chief of BOTH armies in heaven and here on earth is the Almighty Himself.
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