Let’s talk a little bit about the idea of Israel “crossing over”.
Why is this term so important?
Because it plays such a key role in the salvation history of God’s Chosen People.
Recall that Abraham had to “cross over” the Euphrates River in order to enter into the new land Hashem wanted to show him.
And the idea of “crossing over” is synonymous with being a Hebrew because the word “Hebrew” itself comes from the Akkadian word IPURU.
And what does IPURU mean?
It means “one who has crossed over”!
That’s right homies.
“Crossing over” is the requirement for all who wish to enter the Kingdom of God and become one with His People.
What are some other incredible examples of “crossing over” in the Scriptures?
How about Moses leading the children of Israel through the Red Sea?
This “crossing over” officially marked the end of Israel’s bondage in Egypt and brought them into the Wilderness.
Afterwards, Israel “crossed over” the Jordan River which officially marked the end of their wandering in the Wilderness and brought them into the Promised Land.
Also consider baptism.
The rite of baptism utilizes water as a symbol of “crossing over” from a life of sin to a life of holiness dedicated to the Lord.
And if you think about it, even the idea of being born again carries the image of a baby “crossing over” through the water of the womb to begin a new life.
Also consider that Noah and his family crossed over from the water of the great flood to emerge on dry ground and begin a new life of which we are all part of since in one way or another we are all descended from Noah.
In closing, I remind you the Torah establishes the God-patterns that will exist for all eternity.
And not only that, the patterns in the Torah are the foundational templates upon which the rest of the Scriptures will emerge and this includes the New Testament (although the NT is NOT Scripture).
Minus understanding the Torah and these fundamental patterns, you will be lost when it comes to studying the Scriptures and come up with all kinds of nutty doctrines which is exactly what has happened with the Christian church.
Joshua is the first book where we begin to see the patterns and teachings of the Torah come to life.
We are now moving from the conceptual to the practical and have got some really exciting stuff ahead of us folks!
Stay tuned!
“Now on the last day, the great day of the feast,
Yeshua stood and cried out, saying,
‘If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said,
‘From his innermost being
will flow rivers of living water.’”
-John 7:37-38
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