Alrighty folks, today I want tackle a controversy brought about by an ungodly modern-day academic discipline called “literary criticism”.
The controversy is caused by two sets of verses.
The first set of verses is from Joshua Chapter One.
“…to go through the camp and order the people, ‘Prepare provisions, because in three days you will cross this Yarden to go in and take possession of the land Adonai your God is giving you.’”-Joshua 1:11
The second set of verses is from Joshua Chapter 3 (where we’re at now):
“After three days the officers went throughout the camp, giving orders to the people: “When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it.”-Joshua 3:2-3
Joshua 1:11 has Joshua instructing the people to prepare to move out because in 3 days they will be crossing over the Jordan.
And here in Chapter 3 it says that AFTER three days the officers went throughout the camp and gave orders to the people about how they were to follow the Ark of the Covenant across the Jordan.
So the $64,000 question is this…
…are we talking about only one 3-day period here…
…or two 3-day periods?
Well, the answer might surprise you.
We’re not only talking about two 3-day periods but also a couple of extra days added in!
How do I know and why is it important?
Well, let’s take a look at the breakdown.
The Israelites had been camping at Shittim for about a couple of months when Joshua arrived and told them to get ready to move out in 3 days. It was during this 3-day period that the 2 spies went to Jericho and returned back to Joshua on either the evening of the 3rd day or the morning of the 4th day.
The spies told Joshua all he needed to know, so on the morning of the 4th day, Joshua led the people to the eastern edge of the Jordan River.
THE 2ND 3-DAY PERIOD (Days 5, 6, and 7)
The officers travel throughout the camp giving special orders to the people about the Ark of the Covenant.
Note in verse 5, Joshua says “Consecrate yourselves, because tomorrow Adonai is going to work wonders among you”. So it was on the 8th day that the tribes organized themselves into battle formation and proceeded to cross over the Jordan River.
Therefore, we have a full 8-day period from the time Joshua gave orders to the people to cross the Jordan until it actually occurred.
There’s some divine math at work here that I want you to be aware of.
Remember, in the Bible, numbers act as a heavenly guide providing perspective for what’s happening here on planet earth.
Do you know what the number 8 represents in Holy Scripture?
It’s the number for “atonement” and “salvation”.
Recall I told you that up until this point of time, “inheritance” was the theme for Israel’s salvation process for hundreds of years.
However, from this point in time, that has just changed.
Moving forward, the new theme will now be NUACH or “rest” as Israel assumes their inheritance.
Israel crossing the Jordan into her eternal inheritance was a landmark event of gargantuan proportions.
The takeaway today is…
…let’s not overlook the divine connection that Israel crossed the Jordan into their inheritance on the 8th day.
Again, this makes perfect sense because the number 8 is the number of redemption.
And holy cow…I just realized that this post is article number 8 of my series of articles dealing with Joshua Chapter 3.
I certainly didn’t plan that.
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