Here’s something to chew on for a sec.
The first humans God created, Adam and Eve, failed in their devotion to their Creator.
So did Abraham.
And so did Moses who didn’t even make it into the Promised Land because of his sin.
So if Adam and Eve, Abraham and Moses weren’t able to meet the Lord’s standard in spite of their close relationship with Him, how in the world could you expect the average Hebrew man to do so?
And how would you expect yourself to fare any better than the saints of old?
The answer is what Joshua told the people:
You can’t.
Yet God still expects our perfect devotion to Him.
And Messiah reiterated this point in Matthew 5:48.
“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
I think by now you can begin to understand why we need a savior.
As a result of our sin, we are all predestined to failure unless somebody steps in to help us.
Keep in mind I’m only talking about those who have entered into a covenant relationship with the Lord.
God will leave the gentiles who have never know Him alone (provided they don’t try to harm His chosen people Israel).
But Israel doesn’t have that option.
Those who have been chosen by God will be expected to adhere to a much higher standard than those He has not chosen.
In this sense, it would seem like the heathen have an advantage over the Hebrew.
Because a heathen doesn’t have to worry about being on the receiving end of God’s rage and vengeance for his idolatry but that’s not the case with an Israelite.
Here in the book of Joshua, a paradoxical principle is established.
We humans are trapped in our sin and left without a cure.
Yet the Lord demands perfection from us and His holy nature will not allow a compromise.
What to do about this insolvable problem?
It’s a dilemma that requires nothing less than for God Himself to intervene by providing a divine solution.
Good morning, the Promise Land or( the Kingdom of God) is where God’s plan and desire for all who follow Yeshua should be but because of unbelief and rebellion they are not there. God spoke: I will bring you into the kingdom of God and you will no longer do as you are today, everything according to the way you think you should buy you shall enter into My rest and receive your inheritance.
Not bye your might or strength but bye My Spirit says the Lord.
Unless the Lord builds the house the laborers work in vain.
Our calling is to walk, be led and live in His Spirit.
We have been purchased.
Crucified with Yeshua, resurrected by His spirit.
To become one with Father.
Thanks sir