There’s something mighty significant about Joshua Chapter 24 that I want you to catch?
Do you remember where God first promised Abraham He would give the land of Canaan to his descendants?
It was at Shechem.
And here in Joshua Chapter 24, where is Joshua holding the Covenant Renewal Ceremony?
It is at Shechem.
In other words, things had come full CIRCLE.
Pay close attention to that word “circle” because this word is the theme of this whole post.
Here’s the point.
Joshua is leading a ceremony commemorating the fulfillment of a promise and he’s holding the ceremony AT THE VERY SAME SPOT WHERE THAT PROMISE WAS ORIGINALLY MADE.
Let’s just pause right here and examine this idea for a sec.
Because this illustrates another huge mindset and perception difference between how the ancients thought and how we in the modern world think today.
What do I mean?
Well, the Biblical worldview asserts that history is CIRCULAR.
In other words, the way God acted yesterday is how He will act today and also how He will act in the future.
Or as the Book of Hebrews says…
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”
This is a concept I’ve been harping on from the very beginning of our Torah studies.
The Lord, the Scriptures and by default, the universe operates according to unchanging patterns that repeat themselves.
But what’s interesting is the modern world has adopted the opposite idea.
That history is driven by evolution and is “linear” as opposed to being “circular”.
What do I mean when I say history is “linear” as opposed to “circular”?
The basic idea is there really isn’t a connection between what happened in the past and what’s gonna happen in the future.
In other words, the evolutionists and other anti-God folks thumb their noses at the idea that there’s some kind of correlation between past, present and future.
Yet Scripture says the opposite.
Scripture says…
“Ye shall reap what you sow”.
In fact, the whole foundational premise of Scripture is the Lord has made certain promises and established certain principles in Scripture that when obeyed will yield certain results.
One of the world’s greatest scientists Albert Einstein said the same thing but in a different way.
“Insanity is doing the same thing
over and over again and
expecting different results.“
-Albert Einstein
My own version of what Einstein said would be to say…
“It’s pure insanity to go against God’s laws
and His commands and expect things
to go well for you”.
Because if God is the Creator of the Universe, then His commands are laws ARE the laws of the universe…literally.
Unfortunately, this notion is laughed at and tossed out the window by today’s modern scientists and social engineers.
They think their “higher” intelligence and cutting-edge technology trumps any thing an “ancient” book like the Bible says.
This brings up a key difference between those who believe the Bible and those who don’t.
The believer looks to the PAST to understand the future.
However, an unbeliever under the guise that he or she is being progressive, says we should ignore the past, because the future has no connection to the past and to move forward without hindrances.
“All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing,
nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again;
I never knew where the saying came from about INSANITY (besides the 12 Step Program).
Albert and Solomon/Preacher – a couple of wise guys!
Thanks Rich
Thanks for reading Debbie. Be blessed and Shalom!