There’s something really serious we’ve got to come to terms with that we’ve learned from the Book of Joshua.
The Lord can reverse the salvation of those who were once saved.
That’s right homies.
We’ve clearly seen that the Lord’s inheritance can be removed and handed over to a more faithful generation.
As followers of Messiah, this is a principle we must fearfully not let slip from our minds.
We mustn’t let ourselves get too comfortable in our lifestyle and relationship with Him.
Because if everything we’ve studied thus far in His Word is true, then we can know with certainty that God will do whatever it takes to preserve His holiness even if it means destroying those whom He once called His own.
I know we all like to focus on the blessings of God and yes the blessings of the Lord are just as certain as the sun rising and setting every day.
But the curses of God are just as certain as well.
The Lord has warned Israel that if they fall into temptation and start worshipping other gods, their blessings will be reversed and they will be expelled out of the land.
And isn’t this what happened to the 1st generation of Israelites (the ones who left Egypt)?
Not one of them except Joshua and Caleb were allowed to enter into the Land because of their unfaithfulness and the blasphemies they uttered.
“‘Why is Adonai bringing us to this land, where we will die by the sword? Our wives and our little ones will be taken as booty! Wouldn’t it be better for us to return to Egypt?’ And they said to each other, ‘Let’s appoint a leader and return to Egypt!‘”-Numbers 14:3-4
The rebellion the first generation of Israelites displayed is pretty horrific, isn’t it?
Thus, it makes sense that blessings would be reversed.
Because if you seek the blessings of another god and shun the one who has blessed you so far, why should He continue blessing you?
This Joshua generation who has personally witnessed the Lord drive out their enemies from before them and has provided for their every need (not just some of their needs but EVERY need) will be without excuse.
Therefore, if this generation of Israelites rebels and begins to worship other gods, the Lord will have no choice but to react by destroying those who were once His.
Oh, and one final point.
Don’t start getting all judgmental towards Israel because of their past sins because we’re ALL guilty of rebelling towards the one who has called us to salvation.
Got it?
“Therefore, leaving behind the initial lessons
about the Messiah, let us go on to maturity,
not laying again the foundation of turning
from works that lead to death, trusting God,
and instruction about washings, s’mikhah,
the resurrection of the dead and eternal
punishment. And, God willing, this is what
we will do. For when people have once been
enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift,
become sharers in the Ruach HaKodesh,
and tasted the goodness of God’s Word
and the powers of the ‘olam haba- and then
have fallen away- it is impossible to renew
them so that they turn from their sin,
as long as for themselves they keep executing
the Son of God on the stake all over again
and keep holding him up to public contempt.”
-Hebrews 6:1-6
“So take a good look at God’s kindness and
his severity: on the one hand, severity toward
those who fell off; but, on the other hand,
God’s kindness toward you- provided you
maintain yourself in that kindness!
Otherwise, you too will be cut off!”
-Romans 11:22
I understand what you are saying but in contradicts the blood of Yahshua and Phil 1:6 I can see if they do not turn from other Gods but those that had lack of understanding and repented and no longer have anything to do with other Gods and are seeking God for answers God will not turn away for he desires all to be saved 2 Peter 3:9 and if he truly called and chose you for his purpose that’s what it is. Some do not want his purpose or calling and the ones that do it can be done in the fullness of Christ and God can change anything Nothing just happens everything is in his will. He told me years ago in prayer Matt 16:28 I would not see death Physically, Spiritually Naturally I will see Yahushua come so will may others and he does not lie he fulfills his word in your life. God bless you stand on his word he will not throw his children away that ask for forgiveness the ones that don’t know thats a different subject
Don’t see a contradiction but thanks for sharing.
This is very sound doctrine
We bless God in HIS HOLINESS, and continue to plead for HIS Mercy in the nane of Yeshua