Yesterday we talked about the number one most important God-pattern of them all which is the principle of God throughout history electing, dividing and separating mankind for the purposes of creating a group of people that would be loyal only to Him.
Today I’d like to introduce the second most important God-pattern we should be aware of.
This is actually a pattern I’ve spoken about before.
I call it the…“As-In-Heaven-So-On-Earth” principle.
And its meaning is pretty much what it says.
All of the physical rituals, instructions, commands and laws we find in the Scriptures are nothing more or less than direct reflections of the spiritual realities in the heavens that have always existed since before the beginning of time.
Here are some examples.
The Wilderness Tabernacle is the earthly prototype of the Lord’s dwelling place as it exists in the heavens.
The Levitical Priesthood is the earthly prototype of Hashem’s spiritual servants who are His angels and cherubim.
They actually exist all around us even though we can’t see them and you may have even met an angel or 2 in your day but never realized it.
Yeshua is a manly prototype of God Himself who exists in the heavens (notice I said “prototype”, not literally God the Father Himself).
Here are some awesome verses substantiating this.
“I and the Father are one”
-John 10:30
“My Father is always at his work
to this very day,
and I too am working.”
-John 5:17
“And the Word was made flesh,
and dwelt among us,
(and we beheld his glory,
the glory as of the only begotten
of the Father,)
full of grace and truth.”
-John 1:14
And finally, we have the 6 Cities of Refuge which are the earthly prototype of Abraham’s Bosom or a spiritual holding place of safety for those who sincerely love the Lord.
The important thing to keep in mind here is the physical or the earthly is always inferior or very limited compared to the spiritual which is unlimited and can even operate outside of the dimensions of our physical universe.
The next time we meet, I’ve going to be diving into the Sanctuary Cities a bit more since they play a key role in the salvation of mankind.
Talk soon!
I have ofter thought: Why haven’t the Israelites built a copy/replica of the tabernacle as it was during the wilderness years with Moses? They could have had their Temple all this time?
Good question. I’m not sure but I gather because the Tabernacle was only supposed to be a temporary thing to be used only during Israel’s time in the wilderness.