Do you want to know what one of the greatest doctrinal errors in Christianity is?
Well, I’ll tell you.
It’s the retarded notion that a sin is a sin is a sin.
In other words, there ain’t no such thing as one sin being worse than another, they’re all the same.
According to the Christian mind, there ain’t no difference between cheating on your husband and swiping a candy bar from the local grocery store…
…or committing idolatry (such as worshipping a man as God Himself) and parking your car in the handicapped zone (if you’re not handicapped).
This idea is simply anti-Scriptural.
Seriously, when faced with two evils, how can you choose which one is greater or lesser when you’re handcuffed by this demonic doctrine?
The answer is you can’t.
During the holocaust in wartime Germany, did you know there were many Christians who turned in their Jewish neighbors to the Nazi authorities?
Do you know what their reasoning was?
They said it would have been a sin to lie when being question by the German soldiers.
So in order to properly obey the teachings of Christ, they had no choice but to send literally hundreds of thousands of innocent Jews to their deaths.
Can’t you see why the Jewish people utterly detest the religion of Christianity?
I’m bringing this point up because we’re now studying about how Rahab lied to the authorities and I’m telling you she is a perfect and godly example of just how wrong and twisted this Christian doctrine is.
Heck, even the Book of Hebrews in the New Testament holds up Rahab as a godly example.
Come to think of it Rahab must have been a great a great liar.
Because the soldiers took her at face word and immediately left the city to go hunt down the two spies.
We’re told they went all the way down to the natural crossing points of the Jordan River.
This is also yet more evidence that the Canaanites were well-informed about Israel’s intent to cross the Jordan River into Canaan.
We’re also told the gate was shut after the soldiers left.
This served the purpose of keeping the spies trapped inside the city if they hadn’t left (which they hadn’t) AND…
…blocked from re-entering into the city if they had left the city (which is the lie Rahab had told the soldiers).
Excellent, Thank you so much for speaking truth!
Thank you for reading Penny. Be blessed and SHALOM!
Not all Christians believe that all sins are the same. As a Christian, I believe seeing all sin the same is a distortion of God’s character. The Bible says that God judges sins differently according to motive. (Numbers 15:22-31). If I lived during the holocaust in wartime Germany, I would have lied and not turned in my Jewish neighbor to the Nazi authorities.
Good to know Kathleen. Thanks for sharing. Be blessed and Shalom!
So stealing 5cents is different from stealing 5000 dollars?!
Yes, most Christians do think all sin is equal. Made famous by their “we are all sinners” statement they whip out the moment they are confronted, even gently, for sin. The same pride that caused them to sin in the first place is the same pride that tries to protect their image.
A lot of it is based on a bad translation and interpretation of James 2:10. It does not mean one sin makes you guilty of all The Torah, it means you are “fully guilty” for the sin you committed.
James clarifies in verse 11: “Now, if you don’t commit adultery but do murder, you have become a transgressor of the Torah”
So clearly, James is not saying the Adulterer is the same as the murderer. He says any sin makes you a “transgressor of The Torah”.