“Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. “Go, look over the land,” he said, “especially Jericho.” So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there.”-Joshua 2:1
Israel has now relocated to an area called SHITTIM which means “Acacia Trees”.
Today this territory is known as Tell el-Hamman in the nation of Jordan (located on the east bank of the Jordan River)…
…and just like Jericho it is also located about 6 miles north of the Dead Sea.
Since it was only about 7 miles from the Jordan River, it was the perfect place from which to launch an offensive against the inhabitants of Canaan.
However, before attacking, Joshua decides to send two scouts to spy out the first enemy stronghold the Israelite army would be facing once they crossed the Jordan River.
Many scholars and theologians accuse Joshua of lacking faith because he sent these 2 spies out.
The reason is because it hearkens back to the last time scouts were sent out to spy the land as described in Exodus.
However, this situation here in Joshua is totally different.
If you carefully read the text of what happened under Moses’ authority, you’ll notice the reason the 12 spies were sent out is because each tribe wanted proper representation.
That’s why each tribal head cherry picked a man whose loyalty to him was guaranteed.
Or to put it another way.
The motivating factor behind the 12 scouts who went out to reconnoiter the land was fear and doubt…
…nothing less and nothing more.
They weren’t ordered by God or Moses to go spy out the land.
It was an act rooted in heavy skepticism.
Out of the 10 spies, only two wanted to hold to God’s promises and attack.
The others said it would be a suicide mission.
Remember, all 12 men witnessed the same thing.
When they went into the land, they all witnessed a well-armed and numerous enemy power.
Yet it was unfortunately the negative response of the majority that decided the outcome.
Joshua and Caleb tried to persuade the other 10 negative nellies that it mattered not how big the Canaanites were or how well fortified or armed they were.
They argued that Israel should immediately move forward to claim God’s promises.
Sadly, that was not to be.
The Lord judged the faithless generation and they all died off before entering the Promised Land except Joshua and Caleb.
Again, the situation here at Jericho was totally different and it is an error to confuse the two.
This time, the two spies being sent out had nothing to do with whether it was safe to attack or not.
The purpose was to gather information on how to attack.
Also, notice this time around that the writer of Joshua doesn’t go out of his way to tell us the identities of the two spies and from which respective tribes they hailed.
Because the spies were being sent out on behalf of all the people of Israel and NOT selfishly just representing their individual tribes.
Joshua was being a good leader here.
The Lord had entrusted all of Israel to him.
So it was of utmost importance that he be diligent and careful in protecting the lives of the people.
I do NOT agree with those theologians (and there are a lot of them) who say Joshua was exercising a lack of faith here.
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