In light of the explosive conflict that has erupted in the Gaza Strip in recent days, I can’t hold back anymore and have gots to speak my mind.
What in the world are you going on about Rich?
I’m talking about how the established religious institutions in our country (America) and the world have created doctrines based on the false idea that God has either…
…forgotten His promises…
…has changed His mind on what He has already declared in His Torah concerning ownership of the Land of Canaan.
I find it funny how a lot of us read the so-called “Old” Testament and snicker our heads at the failings and faithlessness of the ancient Hebrews who fell into idolatry when we ourselves have done the very same thing.
Congregations around the world (I’m talking about within BOTH Judaism and the Church, I ain’t playing any favorites here), have mixed nice-sounding human-based morality combined with the elimination of foundational Scriptural principles to create an aberrational theology that would be unrecognizable to anyone who has even a basic understanding of Torah.
Specifically, what am I talking about?
I’m talking about how BOTH Hebrew and gentile brothers and sisters in Messiah in our day and age have fallen for the politically correct deception that the way to solve the current Middle East crisis is to do the one thing Hashem in His Word said must absolutely NOT BE DONE under any circumstances which is to…
Like are you freakin’ kidding me man?
We’ve just spent the past couple of months learning how Joshua and His men had to fight and risk their lives for this valuable piece of real estate that ONLY belongs to Israel.
Or consider the main reason Yeshua is gonna come back in the first place?
It’s to take back every inch of land that Joshua failed to conquer and make sure it is under proper Hebrew rule.
That’s right man.
Yeshua and His Holy Army are gonna take back the land the Scripturally uneducated believer says should be given up to a people who possess zero spiritual right to it: the Palestinians.
If you hold to that belief, I’m afraid to say you have severed yourself from the plainly revealed truth of what Scripture says on the matter.
I think the important question to ask here is why would a modern believer today (whether Jew or Gentile) hold to such a patently false belief when the Scriptures are so plainly clear on the matter?
There are 2 reasons why.
The modern believer has been brainwashed into believing a good majority of the “Old” Testament commandments and prophecies are no longer valid in our so-called “refined” modern day and age. He or she is also afraid of being castigated as an ignorant right-wing fundamentalist fool if he or she admits to harboring to such belief. The truth be told, the institutionalized religions of Christianity and Judaism and a good majority of their collective congregations are nothing more than freakin’ Saturday or Sunday social clubs who pay little attention to what Scripture REALLY says on certain matters…especially with regards to ownership of the Land of Canaan.
A good majority of believers believe, like deep down in their hearts, they actually really believe that with the birth of Yeshua, the Torah was done away and in its place, a so-called New Testament replaced it. Again, anyone who even possesses a basic understanding of Torah (a rare animal these days) knows that such a notion is nonsense of ridiculously gargantuan proportions. I remind you of these words of Yeshua: “Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah — not until everything that must happen has happened.”-Matthew 5:18
I’m a professional copywriter, so throwing out a call to action is easy-peasy for me.
So here’s my call to action, especially if you’ve been following my blog for any length of time.
Determine to keep your fidelity to the roots of your faith, even if it means being thrown out of your congregation or being abandoned by family and friends…
…because at the end of the day, it ain’t your relationships with your gone-the-way-of-the-world institutionalized congregation or friends and family that matter.
Need some NT support for this.
Try these verses on for size:
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters–yes, even their own life–such a person cannot be my disciple.”-Luke 14:26
“To another he said, ‘Follow me!” but the man replied, “Sir, first let me go away and bury my father.” Yeshua said, “Let the dead bury their own dead; you, go and proclaim the Kingdom of God!” Yet another said, “I will follow you, sir, but first let me say good-by to the people at home.” To him Yeshua said, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and keeps looking back is fit to serve in the Kingdom of God.'”-Luke 9:59-62
“They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.”-John 16:2
The only thing that’s gonna matter in the end is your relationship with God, His Word and what you did with His son (the most Torah-obedient person who ever walked the face of the planet).
Finally, to all those folks who really hold to the idea that God changed His mind and went back on what He first established in His Word, here’s something else to consider.
If that’s really true, then what makes you think He might not do it again?
Seriously man, think about it?
If God will so flippantly do away with the Covenant He made with Israel, what makes you think He won’t do away with your so-called New Covenant that you’re basing the very salvation of your soul on (which is supposed to be the “Old” Covenant written on your heart anyway man, But that’s another conversation).
Would you wanna worship such a God who at the drop of a dime changes and doesn’t keep His promises?
And don’t give me this replacement theology BS that the Lord abandoned Israel because they broke His covenant.
Your Scriptural ignorance is revealed even further if you hold to that idea because there are certain uni-lateral (look it up in the dictionary if you don’t understood that word) aspects to God’s covenants that will NEVER, EVER change and the Biblical fact that God has given the Land of Canaan (including Lebanon) to Israel is one of them.
Fortunately, I can sleep well at night without skipping a beat because I’m assured that the God I worship is the same God yesterday, today and forever and I can bet my veritable soul on the fact that ALL of the promises He made in His Word still stand and are gonna happen.
Over and out.
“I say then,
God has not rejected His people,
has He?
May it never be!
For I too am an Israelite,
a descendant of Abraham,
of the tribe of Benjamin.”
-Romans 11:1
“It had a great and high wall,
with twelve gates,
and at the gates twelve angels;
and names were written on them,
which are the names of
the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel.“
-Revelations 21:12
“The people of Israel.
Theirs is the adoption to sonship;
theirs the divine glory,
the covenants,
the receiving of the law,
the temple worship
and the promises.”
-Romans 9:4
Sorry, cut myself short earlier.
The whole issue concerning the land of Israel in not grasped by majority because they don’t know the scripture! Sad but true…
Hi Eddie, Yup, totally agree. I’ve been blogging through the Bible for over the past 6 years and through my interactions with a lot of my readers (and non-readers), one thing has become very clear: while the Bible may be the world’s best-selling book, at the same it is also the most mis-understood book.
Thanks for reading. Be blessed and Shalom!
Absolutely true and well said Rich! We can only pray for our fellow believers for their spiritual eyes to open to see and hear these truths as we have been able too!
Amd we have to pray that our amazing God will keep on guarding our hearts against offence as the time we are in gets darker and darker!
Thank you for the part you play in your readers lives opening up more truths. May our God bless you my friend!