I finished off yesterday’s post by concluding that…
…Israel’s inheritance of their Promised Land did NOT mean instant peace and stability and…
…that it was actually just the first step in a long process to fulfill the promises God had planned for His Chosen.
Well on that note, I’ve got news for you folks.
That exact same principle applies to us believers today.
Don’t be fooled by the Christian church that teaches all you have to do is walk down the aisle, mumble your salvation prayer and then spend the rest of your life kicking back on the sidelines like a bunch of idiotic interested observers.
Just because we have inherited our salvation doesn’t mean we can sit on our butts and wait for the day when we’ll magically be taken away into heaven.
We’ve got work to do.
Nothing could be less Biblical than the idea that all we have to do is attend some evangelical crusade and then all is well and merry.
So let’s get this straight.
Our salvation and inheritance of the Kingdom is meant to be directly equated to Israel’s inheritance over Canaan.
Got it?
Why do you think the Lord chose to preserve this episode for us in the Book of Joshua?
Don’t get me wrong.
Through our faith in the Jewish Messiah, we have indeed entered into a sort of spiritual rest but we are still living in a world that is hostile towards the things of God and remains a very unconquered place.
We are at war with this world but we are not to fear.
Because just as God told Joshua that He had already given them the victory over their enemies BEFORE the battle even began, so too has the Lord promised us victory today.
Yet, just because we’ve been promised victory does not exempt us from participating in the Holy War we are to fight for the Lord.
The Lord did not perform a Sodom and Gomorrah type of supernatural destruction over Israel’s enemies in Canaan.
Israel had to fight for their victories in battles that involved loss of life and limb.
And the very same goes for us.
Don’t be so naive to think that you’re going to emerge from this battle completely unscathed.
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