So let’s quickly talk about what it means when the Scripture says…
…”Ephraim carries the rod of authority for the tribe of Joseph”.
Recall during the cross-handed blessing that Jacob performed on Manasseh and Ephraim, poor Manessah, who was Joseph’s oldest son, was displaced and lost the honor of being the firstborn son according to the tradition of the times.
Because of what Jacob accomplished with the cross-handed blessing, moving forward it will be Ephraim who will uphold the rod of authority for the tribe of Joseph.
So that’s the point we need to keep uppermost in our craniums folks!
Whenever we’re studying both the “Old” Testament and the New, understand that Ephraim is operating under the authority of the Tribe of Joseph.
Let me say that again because it’s sooooooooo important.
Ephraim is operating under the authority of the tribe of Joseph and it will remain so until the culmination of the end times.
What about poor old Manasseh who was displaced from his traditional first born blessing and was reduced to a lower status than Ephraim?
Don’t worry.
Hashem hasn’t forgotten about Manasseh.
In fact, the Lord hasn’t forgotten about any of the 12 tribes of Israel, whether they’ve gone missing or not.
And this is evidenced by the fact that in the Book of Revelation, we’ll see that every one of them shall be restored.
Alrighty, so now we’ve closed the loop.
The Tribe of Judah assumed the leadership position over all of Israel and Ephraim received the double-portion.
This is why they became the most dominant tribes in all of Israel.
So in case you’re wondering why I spent an inordinate amount of time on this topic of the cross-handed blessing…
….and discussing Ephraim and Judah, it’s because the subject of Joshua chapters 15-17 deal with the land inheritance that these 2 tribes (Judah and Ephraim) will receive.
The last book is Revelation. it is not plural.
Fixed. Thanks!