Alrighty, so Joshua Chapter 15 finishes up by dividing the territory of Judah into 4 districts based on climate and how fertile the land was.
The four districts are as follows:
The NEGEV (the Southern Lands):
The Negev could best be described as a transition zone because it covered both the fertile land of the Shefelah, the mountains and the desert. Hence, it was possible to grow food in some areas and shepherd one’s animals in other areas. But, as one approached the desert, the dryness of the soil made farming or pasturing impossible.
The SHEFELAH (the Low Lands):
This territory stretched from the mountains all the way down to the shores of the Mediterranean Ocean. Because of its proximity to the ocean, this region was prime real estate for planting and raising crops. The area was super fertile with rich soil.
The Mountains:
The mountain environment was perfect pastureland for grazing. The high hills also enabled the growth of orchards and vineyards.
The Judean Desert:
This territory, since it had zero vegetation nor a water source was a barren wasteland. However, it was the area John the Baptist began his preaching ministry before going on to eventually baptize the Messiah himself. The symbolism of God bringing great spiritual fertility from even the most barren of areas demonstrates the Lord’s miraculous power at work.
Well, that does it for today!
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