So let’s take a quick breather from our text study to ponder an important lesson we can take away from Joshua 13.
The Lord has given orders to Joshua to divide and distribute the Promised Land among the 12 tribes of Israel.
However, we need to keep in mind these instructions came at quite an unexpected time.
Simply because there still remained a lot of land left to be conquered.
Sure, it was true that Joshua and his men had achieved stunning military victories over the enemy.
Yet, the reality of the matter is that the whole coastline was still under Canaanite control.
The divine task of taking the entire land of Canaan was far from done.
So without any further ado, let me share the big takeaway I hinted about.
It is this:
It is NOT necessary for circumstances to be perfect in order to continue forward with the Lord’s work.
“Progress over perfection” is what Hashem expects.
The truth is…and I’m willing to bet you’ve had personal experience with this…it is indeed a rare occurrence that we will ever fully accomplish our God-given tasks according to the Lord’s standard of perfection.
But does that mean we should just sit on our butts and not even try?
Of course not.
We do the the best we can with what the Lord has provided us today.
Sure, the land of Canaan hadn’t yet been fully conquered.
But it was conquered to a sufficient degree that the Lord had instructed the time was now ripe to start distributing the land.
There was no need to make any excuses or wait any longer.
The time to do the Lord’s will is today, NOT tomorrow.
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