“For it was Adonai who caused them to harden their hearts and come against Israel in battle, so that they would be utterly destroyed, so that they would not find favor but be destroyed, in keeping with the orders Adonai had given Moshe.”-Joshua 11:20
In verse 20, we encounter a really interesting statement.
We’re told it was the Lord who DELIBERATELY made the Canaanite Kings to attack His People.
Why in the world would God cause Israel’s enemies to attack them?
Keep in mind, this had nothing to do with God punishing His people which is something we’ll see Him do later when He scattered the 10 northern tribes and the afterwards sic’d Babylon on the southern kingdom of Judah.
Well, we don’t have to wonder, because just a few words later, we’re given the answer.
God provoked the hearts of the kings of Canaan to attack Israel…
…”so that they would be utterly destroyed”.
Here’s the thing we have to understand.
One of the main reasons the Lord took over the minds of the enemy kings and tribal princes was because just a few chapters earlier Israel had entered into a peace agreement with the Gibeonites.
Are you catching the significance of this?
Israel had entered into a Peace Agreement with their enemies and the Lord wanted to make darn sure that never happened again.
So in order to make sure it never happened again, Hashem put hatred and anger into Israel’s enemies’ hearts so they would desire to NOT have peace with Israel.
And the Lord is at work hardening the hearts of Israel’s enemies today so they will NOT seek peace with Israel.
That’s right homies.
I know this notion runs counter to the political goals of the United States, Europe, the United Nations, the Christian church and even a good majority of Israeli citizens.
And of course, I’m totally aware that what I’m saying is probably the most politically incorrect thing you’ll read this month but it’s true.
The truth is it is NOT God’s will that there be peace in the Middle East.
Let’s not forget that the Lord’s ultimate objective was to completely eliminate the false gods and the worship practices dedicated to them from the land of Canaan forever and for all time.
Otherwise, God’s chosen people would forever be tempted into including these false deities into their pure worship of Hashem and thus be in danger of committing idolatry.
Note that I said Israel would be tempted to include, not replace, the Canaanite’s pagan gods with worship of their one true God.
Religious syncretism is an abomination to the Lord.
Is it clear how achieving peace in the Middle East is NOT really on the Lord’s agenda?
He doesn’t want peace, He wants total victory and His Will shall be done.
The Lord does NOT want Israel to find some kind of common ground or a way to peacefully coexist with an enemy who worships other false gods.
God’s ultimate plan is to draw His enemies out of the protection of their cities and kingdoms into the final and decisive battle that will result in their total destruction.
I don’t know how to make this any clearer.
Here’s another point we shouldn’t forget.
The Canaanites aren’t really fighting against Israel.
They are fighting against the Creator Himself.
And the battle of Armageddon is nothing more nor less than the continuation of the 3300-year-old conquest to take the Promised Land that begins right here in the Book of Joshua.
Heck, in Hebrew, even the name of the leader, Y’hoshua is the same.
“Do not suppose that I have come
to bring peace to the earth.
I did not come to bring peace,
but a sword.”
-Matthew 10:34
Your article J11-20 is exactly what I have been seeing since these words about the “accords” have been
written and spoken about. They are patting themselves on the back about achieving something no one else has been able to do, but, as you say, God this all planned and it will all happen exactly that way.
Thanks Erlene. Yes, and so many people are blind to the Biblical reality about what’s really about to unfold.