“When Adoni-Tzedek king of Yerushalayim heard how Y’hoshua had taken ‘Ai and utterly destroyed it — he had done the same to ‘Ai and its king as he had done to Yericho and its king — and how the inhabitants of Giv‘on had made peace with Isra’el and were living among them, his people became greatly alarmed; because Giv‘on was as large as one of the royal cities, larger than ‘Ai, and all its men were courageous.”-Joshua 10:1-2
Yesterday I finished off my post talking about how Melchizedek ruled over Jerusalem when it went by the name of “Salem”.
Moving forward, I wanted to ask you…
…did you notice how similar the names Melchizedek and Adoni-zedek are to each other?
Literally, they would translate into English as follows:
Melchi-zedek=King of Righteousness
Adoni-zedek=Lord of Righteousness
So here’s what’s going down folks.
Both of these titles are synonymous terms based on tradition.
That’s right, it was the custom of the citizens of Jebus to call their kings by the same title.
And notice I said “title” and not “name”…
…because “Melchizedek” and “Adonizedek” are titles and NOT names.
Here as some examples to really drive home the difference.
The word God is a title, however YHWH is a formal name.
Pharaoh is a title but Rameses was a formal name.
And the word Messiah is a title or office but Yeshua is a formal name.
Are you getting it?
So again, Adoni-zedek was the title for the current king who was ruling over Jebus but we have no idea what his personal name was.
I’ve mentioned this before but many scholars believe that Abraham may have been affiliated with the Amorites.
Because Abraham hailed from Mesopotamia and and the Amorites were also a nation (or a tribe) that hailed from Mesopotamia.
And here’s another thing to consider.
If the Jebusites had originally branched out from the Amorites, that would have explained why Abraham knew Melchizedek who was ruling over Jebus at the time.
This is just an educated guess however.
you make the comment:
Adoni-zedek was the title for the current king who was ruling over Jebus but we have no idea what his personal name was. Yes we do it is found in:
The Book of Jasher ( which is not a persons name either) Chapter 16 11. And Adonizedek king of Jerusalem, the same was Shem, went out with his men to meet
Abram and his people, with bread and wine, and they remained together in the valley of
12. And Adonizedek blessed Abram, and Abram gave him a tenth from all that he had
brought from the spoil of his enemies, for Adonizedek was a priest before God.
Why would the book of jasher call Melchizedek, adonizedek?
This is a question I desperately need concise answers to.
My interpretation is that Melchizedek is a personal name and Adonizedek is a title. I base this on the fact that Adonizedek mentioned in the book of Joshua is not the same person (Melchizedek) that met with Abram in the book of Genesis. The book of Jasher states ‘for Adonizedek was a priest before God’. Melchizedek was a priest before God and thus had the title Adonizedek. Shem was also a priest before God (the same was Melchizedek) but Shem was not the king of Salem as was Melchizedek. More about Melchizedek can be found in the Book of the Bee https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/bb/bb21.htm and the Book of the Cave of Treasures https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/bct/bct06.htm#page_122.
I’d tell ya what i know but this site censors comments.
Tell us what you know.
Maybe the book of jasher is fake
It’s not fake. The bible even references the Book of Jasher
Do you think adonai-zedek could be referring to Shem, and Melchi-zedek could be referring to Eber? My studies are saying they ruled 600 years apart. Well Shem and Eber both lived a very long time.
How can we trust this Book of Jasher if it claims that Shem was Melchizedek? Does that not contradict the record in the book of Hebrews regarding Melchizedek – without father or mother or geneology.
Without father or mother or genealogy does not mean that he he did not have any. It means that is was unknown.
your both wrong –an office is without those Jesus is Melchezedek in Hebrews shem was the MELCH that abraham tithed jesus is MELCH now
The reason the parents are unknown is possibly because everyone died in the flood. Except Noah and his descendents.
And they lived hundreds of years after the flood. Other humans started dying around 200 years after the flood. (This is just My idea from studying for 50 years)
I’m calling it. Job was Melchizedek in his old age
started the Zedek dynasty.
Also kinda funny how Jerusalems last king was also called Zedek(iah).
Wow.. lol great comments. jebusites seem to be descendants of Canaan.. not sure how Shem was involved based on book of Jasher. Unless is a some Shem descendant of Canaan. Who was king when David took it? It doesn’t say it. I would be shocked if Adoni and Melchi is the same person. Interesting topic.
I have a question some one told me that adonizedeck is a name for God …it does not sit well with my spirit can you help me ?.
Based on what it means, “Lord Of Righteousness”
God is the true Lord of righteousness, so that title only suits Him
When I first heard about it, I also felt very uncomfortable and thought it was blasphemous… The King of Jerusalem, whose name is the Lord Righteous